49. "Hurry up faggots!"

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*Two weeks later*

Isla's POV -

So, Skip and I had been dating for two weeks now, but only people close to us knew, we didn't want the pressure of fans getting in between our relationship. I'd had the best two weeks of my life with him and the guys, filming in Melbourne, adding to our artwork in the secret cave, bowling, swimming, out drinking, you name it, we'd tried it. The guys were so much fun to be around although every time I found myself and Beau alone, he tried to come on to me. He always made a move and tried to kiss me, begging for me to leave Skip and telling me I knew I was with the wrong person. Each time I pushed him off and told him to get a grip, he needed to grow up and realise I was with Skip now. I was tempted, of course I was after what had happened between us in the past, but I was in love with Skip and I couldn't hurt him like that.

Tonight we were all going to a beach bonfire, the weather was still cold, but the nicest it had been for a while. I was so excited to sit around the fire, jai and Luke with their guitars and me singing along as per usual. Somehow the guys had found an old video I'd uploaded on YouTube of me singing and ever since they'd been trying to persuade me to start my channel again, I just didn't have the confidence anymore. I used to sing leads in school plays and I even had a few gigs in London, but I hadn't sung in a long time. I was happy singing with the guys, and they all complimented and actually stayed quiet when I sang, but that's because I knew them, they were my best friends. I loved each one of them as much as the other, apart from Skip obviously, who I was completely in love with.

I decided to put on my turquoise bikini, just to be on the safe side, anything could happen with the Janoskian boys around. I slipped a pair of cut off denim shorts and Skip's red basketball jersey over the top, he'd let me keep it after I spent the night looking after him. It was the comfiest thing I had and it was surprisingly flattening. I had a bit of side boob showing but secretly I think that was the reason Skip let me keep the jersey, it wasn't cold yet, but I took a black hoodie just in case and slipped on a pair of black vans. I pulled out my black rucksack and filled it with a small towel, my camera, a bottle of vodka, cigarettes, my iPad and any other crap I thought I'd need around my room. I slipped my phone in my pocket and headed to Skip's house, I was so excited and I'd get to meet new people. Suddenly my phone buzzed..

From Benji

Are you going to this Bonfire thing tonight? x

To Benji

Yeah, I take it i'll see you later x

The last time I'd seen him, he'd confessed all his past problems to me and I'd run out on our 'date'. Clearly he didn't see this as a bad thing, after all, he'd told me to go to Skip, it would be nice to see another friendly face. I was running late, as usual and had to jog to Skip's before they left without me. As I arrived, the car was starting and Skip was waiting anxiously on the pavement for me, he smiled when I approached and suddenly looked relieved. "I was beginning to think you weren't coming!" he sighed, hugged me and lifted me off the ground, I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him gently. "Hurry up faggots!" Luke yelled and everyone laughed as we bundled ourselves in the car. Beau was driving, Luke in the passenger seat, Jai and Skip either side of me. Jai was being surprisingly nervous and shy, not like him at all.

"Where are Sierra and James?" I suddenly realised they weren't here, and I wasn't even sure if James would be there tonight, I hoped he was, he kept everyone together. "They're still at work' they'll be there in about an hour" Luke called, I felt happier knowing my best friend and fith Janoskian would be there. They worked in a smoothie shop, thats how Sierra had been introduced to the guys. Beau and Jai kept giving each other strange looks through out the drive, I wasn't even sure why we were in the car, the beach was only a ten minute walk. Alcohol stop, I should have known. As Beau, Skip and I were the only ones old enough to purchase alcohol, the guys went in but I was left to 'babysit' the twins. It was a good job I'd stayed or the car would probably have gone up in flames. Ten minutes later, we arrived at the beach.

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