56. "Just a group of hopeless kids with no future."

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*One week later*

James's POV -

Addie looked amazing, her ash blonde hair draped down her back and her red lips stretched into a beautiful smile. I was so lucky, she was perfect. I sat down next to her, handed her a bottle of Dr.Pepper and pulled her gently into my lap, she smiled and kissed my cheek playfully. Jai and Luke were wrestling with Beau on the floor, trying to get him to admit he had lost this weeks DareSundays. Loren was filming the guys, when Jai tackled her to the floor, kissing her gently. Loren was one of Addie's old friends and her and Jai had immediately clicked. She had shoulder length, light brown hair and tanned skin, she was shorter than the rest of us, but her personality made up for that. She was loud and knew how to keep the guys in line.

After that night at the beach, things were different. Skip had gone to Isla's and they had spent the night together, but first thing in the morning her and Sierra had left to stay with a friend in Apollo Bay, about 2 1/2 hours along the coast. Skip and Beau had settled their differences, things were still tense and Skip spent a lot of his time boxing to get rid of the anger but they were talking at least. Luke and Jai decided that Sierra wasn't worth them falling out, Sierra agreed and that was that. Isla hadn't really contacted anyone since she'd been gone, just the odd text here and there, but they were due home today and we were all planning on meeting at the Brooks' house later. Everyone apart from Skip.

Skip came home the day Isla left, Addie and I were sat in their front room, we heard the front door slam and him running up stairs. We both went upstairs to find him crying on his bed. I'd only seen him cry once, when he broke his nose three years ago, in a boxing match, something was really wrong. He told us that him and Isla had sorted things out, and ended up sleeping together but she hadn't told him she was going away. In the morning, Skip had asked her to be his girlfriend again but she had said no. She needed some time away from everything, and she thought Skip could do without her for a while, let him figure out what he really wanted. He'd begged her to stay and promised her she was all he wanted, she'd kissed his hand and left. Skip was had been messed up ever since, we rarely saw him, he was either in bed, or at the gym. He'd spent a few nights with the lads playing poker but he'd missed the DareSundays video and wasn't tweeting, keeking or answering any calls.

Every time Isla text me, she'd ask about him and every time I told her she needed to see for herself. Beau finally sobered up and apologised to Isla, he finally noticed all the shit he had caused and she forgave him, they'd spoken since she'd gone away and Beau had started seeing a girl called Shay, but only Skip knew her. " faggots!" Beau called suddenly, "we have two hours until the girls get back so let's head back to ours and see if we can persuade Skip to show." Beau actually had an idea that didn't involve eating something disgusting or harming ourselves in some way, I was impressed. Addie placed her hand in mine as we stood up and stared at the floor, "what's wrong?" I whispered and her grip got tighter, she looked at me with her big brown eyes and replied "What if he doesn't come? I'm so worried about him." I squeezed her hand tightly and said we would do the best we could and that we were always here for him. She smiled, her eyes twinkled as she kissed my lips hefirmly, I granted her entry immediately and our tongues entwined.

We all made our way over to the Brooks Brothers' house, and decided to order pizza for when the girls got here, about half an hour to go so the pizza would arrive in perfect time. Luke and Jai both looked nervous to see Sierra, Loren was excited to meet them and Beau, well, he was still trying to get hold of Skip. "Beau, calm down, let me call him" Addie said and pulled her own phone. Beau scratched his head and sat down, just as Skip walked in the room. "Bro! We didn't think you were going to show" I shouted, happy to see him. Everyone hugged him and he apologised to us all for not being around much. "My heads just been all over the place, I needed to time to think, but I'm okay now." he muttered, we all sighed with relief and waited anxiously for Isla and Sierra to turn up. Suddenly Beau's phone rang and he jumped up to answer it,

Unknown: hello, is this Beau Brooks?

Beau: yeah, who's this?

Unknown: this is Jack Memors, I'm part of MTV-

Beau: What? Is this a joke?

Unknown: No, it's serious. We've seen your videos and we really think you Janoskians have potential, we'd like to make a short Tv series featuring you guys. We'd like you to come to a meeting in Sydney tomorrow evening, we can book and pay for your flights first thing in the morning, what do you say?!

Beau: LUKE, JAI, JAMES, SKIP! IT'S FUCKING MTV! We're going to Sydney in the morning Boys!

Unknown: I'll take that as a yes then? I'll book your flights and send you the details and schedule, I look forward to meeting you all, see you soon!

Beau: see you tomorrow bro!

All of us just stared at Beau, shocked at what had just happened. "us? The Janoskians? Just a group of hopeless kids with no future, taking on the streets of Melbourne, are going to MTV?!" Skip stuttered. Luke, Jai and Beau were

jumping around the room like children, Loren and Addie were in fits of laughter and I walked up to Skip hugging him! "Things are changing boys! We're going to be fucking famous!" Beau screamed as Isla and Sierra entered the room. "We're used to be noticed around Melbourne by local fan-girls that have seen us on YouTube, but MTV? This is huge!" Luke squealed and ran around the room with his top lifted over his head, as if he'd just scored a soccer goal. "what's happened?" Isla questioned, obviously walking into a screaming house of males was not what she expected and Jai explained what had happened. I could see Isla looking hopefully at Skip, but he was tying his best to avoid her and chatting excitedly with Beau and Addie. I thought they had sorted everything out but apparently things weren't back to normal yet.

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