32. "He saved my life."

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Isla's POV -

"You're just another notch on my bedpost anyway!" he shouted, anger rising in his eyes, before I knew what I was doing, I'd slapped him clean across the face. He looked hurt and I wanted to kiss him and tell him I was sorry, but he'd just openly called me a slut and admitted to using me. I knew he didn't mean it, but it hurt all the same, he didn't own me and neither did Skip. "Fuck you Beau, go to hell!" I screamed and left and slammed the door behind me. My hand stung from the impact to his face and my vision was blurred through the tears. I ran from his drive way and pulled out my phone, I thought about calling Skip, but that meant explaining myself, so instead I started calling a number I never thought I would...

Benji: Hello?

Isla: Are you still up for that coffee?

Benji: I thought you'd never ask, are you free now? I fancy something stronger than a coffee.

Isla: That sounds perfect, I'll meet you at Plaza in ten minutes.

Benji: Great, see you in ten gorgeous!

I hung up and smiled to myself. I needed to get away from everyone involved in this nightmare, I noticed Beau had tried to call me, but I didn't have anything to say to him and ignored it. As I walked down the path I removed my stockings, I didn't want to look to eager, shoved them into my bag and re-applied my lipstick. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to get it's sleek look back, tugging at the knots. I took a cigarette from my bag and held it to my lips. I shielded it with my hand and lit it, the nicotine rushed through my body and suddenly I felt calmer. Smoke billowed in the cold air around me and I started shivering, I'd left Beau's in such a hurry, I'd forgotten my jacket.

No more than five minutes later, I arrived outside Plaza, my eyes darted around as I looked for Benji but he wasn't here yet. I waited shivering from him, still sucking on the end of my cigarette until a hand swept across my hips, startling me. My cigarette fell to the floor and a pair of black Docs squashed it. My eyes found their way up a dark pair of tight, rolled up jeans, a black v-neck and bomber jacket, with tartan interior, until I was gazing into Benji's brown eyes. They had a stripe of blue buried within them and a dangerous stare. "you look amazing" he smiled and lead me to the door, shaking hands with the door man "Max, this is Isla" he showed me off proudly and he took my hand, "oh, we've met" he winked.

Max was the receptionist at the gym, "how many jobs do you have?" I giggled flirtatiously, Beau and Skip were at the back of my mind now and I decided it was time I enjoyed myself. "just the two" he replied, flirting back before Benji lead me downstairs to the bar. I'd been here before with Sierra, it was a small bar, there were seats on either side and a pool table in the middle. Although it was small, it was always crammed with people as the bar man, Jordan, was well known around Glenroy. "two Jägerbombs, one beer and-" Benji stopped and looked at me "a vodka and redbull please Jordan" I finished and he poured liquid into three glasses. He handed them over, along with Benji's bottle, Benji paid and we engaged in conversation with Jordan.

"Where's your crazy red-headed friend tonight?" he asked, obviously talking about Sierra, he was right though, after a few drinks she was wild. "I don't know" I replied laughing. Jordan quickly left to serve more customers and Benji turned in his stool to face me. "so, how do you know Skip?" he asked me, I'd forgotten about Skip until then and had to think for a minute, how did I actually know Skip? "I met him at a party, we have mutual friends, how about you?" I finally answered and asked him the same question. Obviously they'd known each other for a long time, well, I imagined they had after today's meeting. He rose his Jägerbomb in the air, gesturing for me to do the same, our glasses touched and I downed the fiery liquid in less than five seconds, Benji finished milliseconds after and nodded at me, impressed. Skip? He saved my life." He answered me at last, smiling.

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