12. "You have leaves in your hair."

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Isla's POV -

I awoke to the sound of heaving snoring behind me, my head throbbed and I felt queezy. I rolled over to where Sierra was lying, mouth open, dribbling on my pillow. "Jesus Christ woman" I muttered under my breath and kissed her forehead. We hadn't been friends for long, but she was like a sister to me, we met in a tram station not far from my house. She'd simply walked up to me, her glossy red hair flowing in the wind from a passing tram, her dark grey eyes fixated on me, said "You have leaves in your hair" and picked them out.

Obviously my accent was English, and as I thanked her, she started asking a million questions. After that she showed me around Melbourne and that was that, we'd spent literally every moment together after that. She was confident, popular and gorgeous, but there was something I couldn't relate to. Her eyes looked as if she had been damaged in someway but we'd never spoken about our pasts that deeply, but that's what I liked about her and our friendship.

Every inch of my body ached and as I sat up and tried to get out of my bed, pains shot through my thighs and hips. I smiled to myself as I remembered last nights events, Beau Brooks! Shit, now I recognised his name. Sierra had told me about him before the party, how they used to be friends but then she'd slept with his younger brother Jai, and Jai's twin Luke, ever since Beau hadn't spoken to her much. Her story was that he was jealous of his brothers and she knew Beau had always liked her, she just didn't feel the same.

I shoved these thoughts to the back of my mind and swung my legs from under the covers and onto the floor. Standing up took a few minutes, my legs were weak and my head pounded with every step I took. I walked into my en suite and pulled out a packet of paracetamol from the cabinet, walked over to the water bottle on my bedside table and swallowed two. When I had a hangover I'd usually go to the gym and work out for a bit, but my legs killed and I didn't know where the nearest gym was. instead, I picked myself up again and dragged my zombie like body to the shower.

I let the warm water run all over my body, and ran my fingers through my hair, massaging shampoo deep into my scalp. Rinsed it and rubbed shower gel thoroughly over my curves, wincing as the achy pains shot through me again. Last night had changed my view on my body, maybe I did had curves it the right places, I had certainly put them them to use and it felt so good. Maybe the confidence I used to have was coming back, I was in a new place, there was nothing here to remind me of home and what I had been through I might as well start enjoying life.


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