25. "You just want an excuse to look at my boobs"

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"Trust me Isla." he said squeezing my hand tighter and stroking my thumb with his. I squeezed his hand back, letting him know he had my trust and followed him inside with my eyes closed. A strong smell of an antibacterial substance stung my nose, I could hear a low humming noise, the struggles of a heavy body and low grunting. I refused to open my eyes and put my head into Skips' chest, shaking in fear. Skip lifted my head, "Isla, open your eyes!" he laughed holding onto my shoulders. I slowly opened my eyes, gripping onto Skips arm tightly and laughed at my previous reaction, realising we were in a tattoo parlour.

"Oh my god, you scared the shit out of me Skip! Why can't you use the front door like normal people?" I hit his arm playfully and looked at the floor embarrassed. He nudged me with his shoulder, "The owner is a friend of the family, I'm sorry gorgeous." he said pinching my cheeks. I smiled, let him know I'd forgiven him and rubbed my cheek where he'd pinched me. "So why are we here?" I questioned him looking confused, my first guess was that he was getting another tattoo. I was wrong.

"I'm getting my nipple pierced, and I get it for free so if you want anything done, it's on me" he winked at me and playfully bit his lip piercing. I had a few small piercings, five spread over my ears, my nose and my belly button. "Fuck it, I'll get mine done too" I said finally after making my decision smiling with excitement. "Are you serious?!" Skip looked shocked, I just shrugged my shoulders and followed him into the piercing room, shaking hands with Benji, the man who would be fondling my breast in a few minutes. "You're amazing!" Skip said, his smile widened across his face and he kissed me on my nose.

Skip went into the piercing room alone, he said he didn't want me to watch in case he wimped out and cried. Cute. Five minutes later, he emerged from the room, his eyes were bloodshot, but he had a massive smile on his face. "I'm buzzing! It looks sick!" he was giddy and lifted up his shirt to show me, he was right, it looked amazing. His tanned, toned body was gorgeous, the pricing just made him look better. I bit my lip as I stared at his V-lines wondering what was underneath. "Your turn, want me to hold your hand?" I quickly snapped out of my daze and Skip winked at me.

"You just want an excuse to look at my boobs", I winked back "I can manage by myself" and I stroked his arm flirtatiously as I entered the room. There were tattoo illustrations pinned up on the wall the door was on, the wall to the left was one giant mirror, straight ahead a piercing bench and on the left wall was a Large black cabinet containing ally the sterile instruments. I removed my hoodie, placing it on the bench and lifted my top and bra up over my breasts as instructed. Benji took a marker from the cabinet and placed two dots, either side of my nipple. "how's that?" he smiled, I looked in the mirror and nodded my head, adrenaline rushed through my body.


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