51. "It's me that you want."

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I turned around and grabbed Beau's hand, lifting him off the log. Most people were gathered around in the middle of the beach by now and it was only Jai and Sierra who saw me pull Beau away from the gathering. "Do you still want me?" I questioned seductively licking my lips, he smiled smugly and that emerald glint ran through his eyes. We walked about half a mile down the beach, until we were completely out of everyone else's sight, leaving a trail of clothes behind us. I was standing in the sand in front of Beau in my skimpy turquoise bikini, Beau was in his shorts. "fancy a swim?" I nudged him and we raced each other into the sea. "fuck! It's bloody freezing!" I screamed as the water rose up past my waist. "I'll keep you warm" Beau said slipping his arms around me and kissing me passionately on the lips.

Did I think what I was doing was wrong? No, of course I didn't. I loved Skip and I'd just found out that he'd been sleeping with his ex behind my back, I was hurting and I was still attracted to Beau. I wanted to hurt Skip like he'd hurt me. Beau's tongue ran across my mouth and as I opened it to allow entry he nibbled my bottom lip, Beau was turning me on incredibly and feeling his wet abs and muscles rub along me in the sea just turned me on even more. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist, I could already feel how hard his penis was through his shorts. He rubbed it against me, holding my back tightly and lifted me even higher almost onto his shoulders. He blew gently against my bikini bottoms and untied the left string with his teeth, presenting himself with my pulsating clit, I was incredibly turned on and these next few minutes would be incredible.

My legs draped over his shoulder, his arms wrapped firmly around my waist and his hands leant on the base of my back, bringing me closer to him. Beau's tongue stroked the lips of my vagina and teased my clit intensely, I had to lean forward slightly, the only reachable thing I had to grip into were my own thighs and Beau's hair. I placed one hand on each and moaned in pleasure, I felt guilty, but mine and Skip's brief relationship was over in my eyes. Beau made me forget all the pain and all I could think about was the pleasure soaring through my body. Beau's tongue gave one last tantalising stroke and he lifted me down to his level, my legs now wrapped around his waist, deep within the crashing waves. The water was no longer cold, I had so much adrenaline pumping around my body to notice.

The water hugged my body and I carefully used my thighs to move Beaus boxers down his legs then he lifted one foot out so his movement wasn't restricted by the shorts. He pushed my body down his and his penis thrust inside of me, I'd never had sex in deep water before but it was exciting and risky, which really turned me on. "fuck Isla!" he moaned and gripped the base of my back with his hands, pulling me gently up and down. The water made it easier to move around and took the weight off each other , It felt amazing. Beau held me close to him by the waist with one hand as he continued to penetrate me deeply. My nails dug deep into his back, starting from the top and scratching upwards, the harder he pulled me onto him, the deeper my nails got and as I lifted my hands up to his head I noticed blood staining my fingers. "Jesus Christ babe, is my back still there?!" he laughed, breathlessly but was soon stopped by another fatal moan.

"Beau, I'm getting really close!" I struggled to even whisper this, I was breathing so fast and heavily, almost choking on the air as I pressed my body hard against Beau. This immediately led him to speed up, it was hard trying to keep our balance in the waves but we clung tightly to each other and soon I was screaming his name. "Beeaauu!" I whispered directly it to his ear as I reached climax, my hands forced down on his shoulders and my body violently shook as he pressed his lips to my mouth. I couldn't get enough of this, I bit his lip and my eyes rolled back into their sockets. I felt my whole body tense up and my thighs squeezing his ribs. Pleasure took control of my entire body and as soon as it started, it was over again.

I gave one last final moan and Beau quickly pulled his hard throbbing penis from inside of me, my feet found their way onto the wet set beneath us. Beau held me close to him, his hand gripped my hair, I sunk my lips into his neck and he shuddered as he came. He grunted several times and finally released his grip. We fumbled around in the water, beau pulled his swim shorts up and I tied my bikini string back on the side of my hip. Beau gazed at me with his bright eyes and tried to hide a smug smile. "I told you you wouldn't be able to help yourself, you know, as well as I do.." he kissed me softy for a second, " it's me that you want." he pushed my hair back over my shoulders, sending a chill down my spine and kissed my neck tenderly.

I didn't like Beau, I liked sex with Beau, he was a friend and I didn't have feelings for him, like he did for me. "Beau, it's just sex." I replied and began walking back to the shore, he followed me like a lost puppy and tried to convince me there was more to it. "Isla, you know I could make you happy! Leave Skip, look what he's done to you and what you've done to him, with me!" he had a point, I could have picked anyone to get back at Skip, but I'd chosen Beau. "My heads messed up Beau, we had sex, it was goo-..amazing, but I need time to think about everything" I tried to explain my feelings, but the truth was, I didn't even know how I felt. We walked back to where everyone else was, retrieving and slipping on our clothes as we came across them, half a mile later and ten minutes of silence we snuck over to the drinks cooler and sat with our backs against the rocks, still out of view.

Sierra suddenly appeared from around the corner and breathed a sigh of relief, "Omg, why didn't anyone think to look for you guys here?! Why are you wet?" she laughed and called Luke and Jai over. "we went for a swim, we called you guys over, but you couldn't hear us over all the music!" I replied, blatantly lying to my best friend, but she believed every word. Luke and Jai came round the corner and I told them the same story, Luke looked pissed off that he hadn't joined in "the fuck guys?! I was dying to get in there and no one would join me, cunts." he laughed and Sierra muttered that it was freezing and we were mad. Jai still looked nervous around me, he was giving Beau the same awkward looks as he had in the car and earlier on when they were talking between themselves. Beau shot him a glance as if to say 'shut the fuck up or else' and Jai shuffled on the spot.

"Skip's been looking for you, he wanted to introduce you to his cousin, Maddison! She's here from Perth and she's so lovely, you'd get on with her really well." Sierra gushed and pulled me to my feet. "Cousin?!" I shouted, uneasy glaring at Jai, but he had turned his gaze to the floor. Beau held me back from getting any closer to him and I ripped myself from his grasp. "You fucking knew?!" I leapt towards Jai and pinned him to the floor, he squirmed underneath my body and winced and my hand rose above his face. "It was Beau's idea!" he suddenly yelled and before I could hit him, Luke had pulled me off. Sierra and Luke looked confused and I burst into tears, falling to the floor. "Beau?". Questioned, he smiled and I knew he'd made Jai tell me those lies so he could get me away from Skip. I flung my body forward and hit hit hard in the face, punching him repeatedly in the chest, trying not to collapse in a heap in the sand again. I felt weak, I felt completely sick, as if my world was crashing down in front of me. "You bastard!" I screamed, "I fucking hate you! You couldn't just leave it could you?! You had to fuck it all up again, you're poison Beau! Fucking poison!"

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