34. "She's been fucking me the whole time!"

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Skip's POV -

I heard a loud banging at my door and as I opened it Beau burst in, fists clenched and a fierce look on his face. He pushed passed me and stormed towards the kitchen. "bro, what's wrong?" I asked him slightly worried for my safety, I knew Beau and I knew his temper was short. "Stay the fuck away from Isla!" he snarled at me and shoved his phone in my face. Pictures of Isla and I laying on the grass, in the rain, holding hands and me kissing her cheek had been posted all over the Internet. I still wasn't sure why Beau was so angry about it though. "what?" I questioned him, beginning to get angry myself, what was Beau hiding?

"Are you fucking deaf?" he gritted his teeth and slammed his fist on the kitchen counter. "I can't stand to see you with her, she's not yours!" his voice was getting louder, luckily no one else was home and I tried to clam him down. "Beau, why the fuck are you so bothered? You knew I was spending the day with her" I replied sourly and his fist came crashing down on my face, knocking me to the floor. His nuckles smashed deeply into my teeth and I could taste blood pouring through my mouth. "She's mine!" he shouted at me, "You might have been acting all cute and friendly but-" he stiated smirking and continued "she's been fucking me the whole time!" he was lying, he had to be. My heart shattered and my fist hit his face this time, he just laughed. "Don't believe me?" he continued laughing and pulled out his phone again, this time showing me his texts. As he scrolled through I saw a picture of her in her underwear with the caption 'I'm waiting for you ;)' and a conversation about how she was going to his house after I dropped her off earlier today.

"How could you do this to me?" I yelled again, my fist rose, his head dodged out of the way and my nuckles scraped across his chest. His fists hit my face again, over and over, my eye winced in pain and I couldn't see properly. I stopped hitting him and collapsed to the floor in a heap. "Me? You're the one getting in the way!" he said bitterly, "I fucked her the night of the party, I showered with her the next morning in the gym, I fucked her again yesterday when she snuck off to the toilet, then she crawled back to you on the sofa! Oh yeah, and I fucked her good tonight. She's great in the sack, Isla really knows how to make a guy come!" The anger in me started up again and I smashed my head into his, training to be a boxer really had its uses. Blood poured from his nose and he began to walk out of the kitchen. "Oh, and Skip.." he continued, "she didn't mention you once when we were together."

I'd had enough of Beau and his malicious attitude, he was only taking it out on me because for once in his life, he hadn't got what he wanted. "Get the fuck out of my house Beau!" I said, shoving him out of the door and slamming it behind me. How could Isla do this to me? I really thought she liked me, but she was just using me as a cover-up from her and Beau's dirty secret. I walked into the kitchen and found a bottle of vodka in the cupboard, in the next cupboard were a box of pills. I'd done it before, I could easily do it again, there was nothing left for me here, my family had gone, my best friend had just beaten me to a pulp and the only girl I'd ever felt this close to completely trampled over my heart. I sat down in the pool of Beau's blood on the floor and began to swig mouthfuls of vodka from the bottle.

I popped open the packet of pills and slid two into my mouth, washing it down with the strong liquid, and then another two pills, and then another. Suddenly my actions were stopped by the persistent ringing of the door bell, I tried to ignore it but it didn't stop. I put the pills and vodka on the floor and made my way to the front door, dreading what I would be faced with. What else could be thrown at me this evening? I opened it up to see Isla standing in a tight purple dress, her heels in her hand and her foot bleeding, she still looked utterly gorgeous, but she was the last person I wanted to see right now. "What the fuck happened Daniel?!" She cried, trying to reach out to me but I pulled away. "You and Beau happened! You were fucking my best friend, whilst we spent the last two days together. Do you know what the funniest part is? I was actually falling for you!" I looked away from her crying and slammed the door, she began banging on the door, shouting my name, begging for me to open it. I walked back into the kitchen and picked up the packet of pills. This time, I'd do it properly.


I had to re-write this chapter around three times so some of the really good parts I added got lost, but I'm actually excited about what's going to happen next! x

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