37. Readers choice #2 "You ran back to him?"

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I awoke, shivering, to the sound of rain beating down on the window and sat up on the sofa. I rubbed my head and groaned, I was absolutely shattered, I couldn't sleep properly thinking about the mess I'd created. I had to see Beau and tell him to back off and leave me alone, I wanted Skip. My phone was laying across the floor and as I picked it up I saw 6 messages and 12 missed calls. All the calls were from Beau. I ignored them and opened my messages.

From Benji

I hope you sort things out Isla, Skips a good kid x

To Benji

Thank you so much for last night, you really helped me. And yeah, he's alright :') x

From Sierra x

are you still up for our girls day today? x

From Sierra x

Bitch, wake the fuck up it's 2pm! x

From Sierra x

Ugh, forget it slut. Luke's taking me out, I'll call you later x

From Lukey baby xo

Have you seen Beau or Skip? Neither of them are answering their phones, I'm worried x

To Lukey baby xo

I'm with Skip, I don't know about Beau though, I think we al, need to get together, some explaining needs doing x

From Beau Sex God Brooks x

I need you.

I read Beau's text over and over again, what did he mean he needed me? I had to call him.

Beau: Oh, so now you call me?

Isla: Where are you?

Beau: At James', I came here straight after you left yesterday. I'm sorry about what I said, I didn't mean it, I lov-

Isla: Stop fucking lying to me Beau!

Beau: What do you mean? Where are you?!

Isla: With Skip. How could you?!

Beau: You ran back to him? I thought you weren't choosing anyone?

Isla: I don't have to choose now do I? There's only one person I care about-

Beau: THEN WHY ARE YOU PHONING ME?! Answer that one Isla, you care about me, don't deny it!

Isla: Call Luke, he's worried about you. Bye Beau.

I hung up, his words still ringing in my ears, maybe I did care about him. Why else would I have called him? No. I didn't care about him, I was calling for Luke, not for Beau. It was now 3:42pm, I'd slept for a good 11 hours, and I felt slightly better after last night, the kitchen was clean, Skip was clean.. SKIP! I had completely forgotten about him. I pulled myself up properly, still wearing his Jersey and smiled to myself, maybe things between Skip and I were going to be okay after all. I pulled the Jersey down over my bum and made my way towards the stairs.

I stopped half way, realising the shard of glass in my foot was causing a lot of pain and sat in the middle of the hallway to examine it. It was only a small piece of glass, too small for me to grip with my fingers, I'd just have to put up with it until I got home and could use some tweezers to pull it out. I grabbed the banister of the stairs to aid me as I stood up and made my way to the bottom of the stairs. Fear suddenly rushed through my entire body. Skip was close to killing himself last night and I'd stopped him, what if he resented me? I know he'd kissed me and cried on my shoulder, but he was drunk, things could be completely different this morning.

I took a deep breath and hauled myself up the stairs, turning right into Skip's room. He was still sleeping, his quiet, peaceful snoring filled the room and he was sprawled out over the bed. I walked over the curtains and pulled them open slowly, sunlight filled the room and splatters of rain hit the glass gently. I searched the sky for a few seconds, looking for a rainbow, or some indication of hope. I stared blankly into the street below and saw two birds fighting over a worm. I couldn't help but feel that I was that worm, Beau and Skip the birds. I snapped out of my thoughts and paced up and down the room, not knowing whether I should wake him or not. My heart was beating twice as fast as usual and my palms were beggining to sweat.

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