21. "Truth or Dare?"

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After more, less uncomfortable, chatter we arrived back at the Brooks' house and juggled the pizza boxes into the front room. Before I had a chance to find my balance I was knocked onto the sofa by Luke, James and Sierra. "oh my fucking god this is good!" Luke squeeled excitedly as a slice of pepperoni hung out of the corner of his mouth. "I agree completely!" said Jai, struggling to snap the stringy cheese, a trail lead from the slice in his hand to his mouth. After 40 minutes of laughing, eating and overexcited chatter James looked around the room, a cheeky glimmer in his eye.

"truth or dare?" he questioned, eying everyone up, as if he was getting questions and tasks ready in his head. Jai glanced at me and replied "yep, I already have a few ideas" and everyone gathered around the floor in a messy circle around the half empty pizza boxes. I'd purposely sat next to Beau, and of course Skip was on the other side of me, then Seirra, Luke, James, Jai and back to Beau. "fuck off Jai! I'm first" beau battled with his brother and eventually after a few minutes of verbal abuse, Beau had won. He looked at me, fuck. "Isla, truth or dare?" he smirked, I was never one to back away from a dare, "dare" I said smirking back wondering what he was going to spring on me.

His eyes wondered around the room and settled on Sierra, "I dare you to hook up with Sierra" his smirked reappeared, and the eyes of every guy in the room lit up. This was easy, it wouldn't be the first time Sierra and I had kissed, we had a habit of being the token lesbian attraction at the parties we'd been to. "Come here sexy!" Sierra groaned in the manliest voice she could conjure up, a giggle slipped out of my mouth, I got on all fours and crawled towards her. Her bright pink lipstick smudged against my own deep purple lipstick and her tongue slid into my mouth. Her hands were resting on the back of my head and we moved our lips in sync with each other. The good thing about kissing another girl, is knowing what a girl likes in a kiss.

We parted from each other I crawled back to my space, the guys all sat with their mouths open wide. Beau grabbed a pillow from the sofa and pretended to hide his imaginary erection, everyone laughed and I realised it was my turn. "Hmm, Jai, truth or dare?" I picked Jai because I didn't know him as well as the others and thought I'd take a gamble. "Truth!" he replied, looking quite nervous of what I'd ask him, I thought for a moment and asked him "What is your most embarrassing sexual moment?" All the guys burst out laughing, obviously they already knew the reply that was coming. "I came in my own face" he said, he cheeks flushed and he covered them with his hands. Sierra and I joined in the laughing and Skip interrupted, "Beau, truth or Dare?" he asked.

"Dare!" he exclaimed excitedly. Skip knew Beau would pick dare and he quickly issued everyone on the porch in the back garden to watch Beau attempt the cinnamon challenge. Luke pulled out his phone and started filming as Beau poured the entire contents of the jar into his mouth and began retching. Eventually after throwing up all of the cinnamon and most of his pizza, we made out way back into the front room, sides splitting with laughter. The game continued for a while, Sierra dared James to eat a pouch of Lala's food, Luke dared Sierra to take off her underwear, soak it in water and put it in the freezer, Skip confessed he'd got sacked from his last job for spitting in his bosses coffee and Luke ran down the street in nothing but a beanie.


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