52. "I'm fucking done! With both of you."

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Skip's POV -

Maddison was my only cousin, we'd grown up together until the age of 14 when she moved to Perth to be with her mum and I'd missed her unbelievable amounts. I was so surprised to see her, my uncle had kept this one massive secret from me but he'd obviously told her where I was tonight. I'd spent about half an hour walking along the beach catching up with her, I'd told her all about Isla, how in love with her I was and that I thought she might be 'the one'. I couldn't wait for them to meet each other, I just knew they'd get on so well. Maddison already knew the guys and her and James dated briefly before she moved away, I could sense she was nervous about seeing him again. "So, how are you feeling about seeing James?" I asked her and nudged her slightly as we made our way back towards the bonfire. She lowered her head and mumbled something about feeling uncomfortable around him. "it'll be fine Sony, he's still single, I'm sure he'd love to catch up with you!" she blushed and told me off for calling her Sony, I don't remember how I'd given her that nickname, but it had stuck.

We arrived back at the bonfire and James was sat by himself on the logs, I walked over to him and Maddison followed Shyly. "Yammouni, bro!" I nudged him and he looked up annoyed that I'd almost knocked him backwards over the log, his eyes suddenly lit up when he caught sight of Maddison. "Addie?!" he jumped up and hugged her, she laughed and hugged him back, "hey stranger!" I felt like an awkward third wheel and decided I'd look for the others while they caught up with each others lives. I walked towards the cooler and heard Isla's familiar voice screaming. "You bastard! I fucking hate you! You couldn't just leave it could you?! You had to fuck it all up again, you're poison Beau! Fucking poison!" I stood behind her and Luke, only in view of Beau, Sierra and Jai. Beau was slumped on the floor beside the cooler, Luke was pulling Isla away from him and she was violently struggling, trying to attack Beau. Jai's face dropped as he saw me and Beau started laughing.

"Skip, bro!" Beau shouted, Isla turned around, her clothes were damp, her eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears. "What the fuck happened?!" I questioned, looking at everyone's shocked expressions, clearly I'd missed something big. "Luke, we better leave them to it." Sierra said and pulled Luke behind her but he pulled away, "I don't think so, I better stay for backup." Sierra nodded in agreement and disappeared behind the rock. Four pairs of eyes were on me now and I stood stubbornly waiting for an expiation. Beau took a few mouthfuls of Vodka from a bottle in the cooler and stumbled up onto his feet, heading towards Isla. He was clearly drunk, more drunk than I'd seen him in a long time and he brushed his fingers across Isla's face, attaching his lips to hers. I stood frozen, "What the fuck are you doing Beau?!" I yelled unable to move, I wanted to hit him, but my body was stiff and heavy.

Isla hit him hard across the face, "don't you fucking touch me!" she spat and he began laughing uncontrollably again. "Isla, baby, that's not what you were saying ten minutes ago when I had my dick inside you." his eyes were wild and Isla fell to the floor sobbing. "please tell me this is fucking joke?!" I looked at Beau, I was suddenly full of hate and my fists clenched tightly. Luke stood with his arms around Isla and comforted her, Jai shuffled awkwardly and Beau carried on drowning his mouth in vodka. "I'm fucking done! With both of you" tears filled my eyes, how could they do this to me again? Was i that much of a push over? I turned my back to them when Isla finally spoke. "Daniel, I can explain!" she pleaded with me, but I couldn't stand there and listen to her lies anymore. I left her sobbing on the floor in Luke's arms, punched Beau once in the cheek, knocking him over and swiftly walked back over to James, Addie and Sierra before I really laid into him.

"What's happened?!" Sierra and James both questioned as I picked up my jacket. "My girlfriend fucked my best friend, again. Right under my fucking nose!" anger took over, I punched the log, threw my jacket into the fire and walked towards the exit of the beach, my eyes screwed up in my hands. My hands shook as tears fell into them and I slumped down next to Beau's car. I felt someone slide down next to me and opened my eyes to Addie, she was always there when I needed her. She pulled my body into hers and as my head hit her chest, my years fell uncontrollably and she rocked me gently like a child "shh Skip, shh, everything's okay, Sony's here. Shh, I love you baby boy, I won't leave you." she cooed. Addie was the big sister I never had and in this moment, I was glad she was here for me. We sat in this position for a while, my tears as heavy as they had been to start with and she stroked my hair. "Take me home?" I blubbered and she nodded, helping me up and walking me to her car.

My tears had finally reduced and stopped in the car ride back to my uncles. "My dad's out with some old friends, I'll look after you Skip." Addie comforted me and almost carried me into the house. I was dead inside, I loved Isla more than anyone, anything and I'd lost her to some jacked up cunt like Beau. 'My best friend, you are my fucking best friend' I thought to myself, I couldn't get the image of Beau kissing Isla, right in front of me, out of my head. My whole body ached and my knuckles still stung where they had hit Beau and then the log. I checked my phone, 7 missed calls from Isla, 3 from James and 1 from Luke. 5 messages flashed up as well so I took a deep breath and read them.

From Isla x

Daniel, let me explain to you, please? I love you! x

From Isla x

Actually no, I'm in love with you Skip. x

From Isla x

Please? x

To Isla x

You're in love with me?! Don't make me laugh, I'll talk to you when I'm ready.

Ironically, I was crying again, I wasn't even close to laughing.

From Yammouni

Bro, do you want me to come over? I think you need to hear what Beau told me

To Yammouni

I can't right now, I need to sleep this off, come round tomorrow, just you.

From Beau

Sahyusndi bro, I warnd yu, I love hrr man.

I ignored Beau's text, I had absolutely nothing to say to him and I definitely wasn't his 'bro' anymore. Addie came and sat on my bed next to me, "get some sleep Skiplet! I think you're going to need it if you're determined to sort this out tomorrow" she said and hugged me tightly. "Thanks Son-..I mean Addie, sorry I ruined your first night here and your time with James, I've missed you so much!" she hugged me tighter and laughed at me, ruffling my hair, she was only 9 months older than me, but she still treat me like a child. "Skip, your entitled to have your days off, plus, I'm here for three months, I'll have plenty of time to see James! She kissed my forehead and left me alone in the dark. I wrapped my blanket around me and lay sobbing in my empty bed, Isla should be here, I missed her.


Seeing as the Janoskians released their new single, I had to stick some lyrics in there! Please vote and comment x

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