24. "Skip, where exactly are we?"

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Isla's POV -

Skip was going to be here to pick me up any minute now and I was missing a shoe, I knew I should have got myself organised earlier but Sierra had kept me awake until 3am, I was basically a zombie. I had showered, roughly dried my hair so it kept its natural wave, put on a pair of dark skinny jeans, a plain white polo shirt and my maroon zip up hoodie, I just couldn't find my left maroon van. I didn't want to wear my white ones because it was raining outside and they were new, I was starting to think I didn't have a choice when I heard the door bell. I hobbled over to the door with one shoe on, feeling like a complete idiot, until I noticed the other one laying beside the front door.

I quickly grabbed it and opened up the door, Skip hugged me and I invited him in whilst I finished getting my stuff together. I shoved my keys, phone and purse in my pockets, shouted goodbye to my mum, even though I wasn't convinced she was at home after all the overtime she had been doing lately, there was no reply so I shrugged and followed Skip to his car. His car was bright red, with a pale leather interior and a soft top, it was gorgeous, I got inside and suddenly felt incredibly under-dressed. Skip was wearing dark, baggy jeans and a grey hoodie. He looked gorgeous, and the more we talked in the car, the more I realised how attracted to him I was.

"So what's this fun idea you have planned?" I yelled over the music, he was rapping a long to Lil'Wayne and I was in stitches. He was actually pretty good though, which somehow made it funnier. "you'll have to wait and see!" he yelled back, laughing with me. We sang along to Eminem, Drake and even some Bieber on our way to the centre of Melbourne, laughing and joking around as if we had known each other for years. I had a feeling that today was going to be a lot of fun. Suddenly my phone started to ring, I barely heard it over the music but it was on vibrate, something I couldn't ignore.

Beau: Hey sexy

Isla: Hey mum..

Beau: You're still coming here after Skip takes you home right?

Isla: I have to be back by five? Yeah, that's cool.

Beau: I'll see you at six then, I have something planned for you.

Isla: No problem, Love you too.

Beau: See you later gorgeous.

I Hung up laughing to myself, if Skip found out what was going on between Beau and I, he'd be crushed, I couldn't do that to him. Skip and I were just friends, enjoying each others company, everything would be fine. "I have strict instructions from Mummy to have you home by five then?" Skip rose his eyebrows and stuck his tongue out, I couldn't help but laugh, my stomach was getting cramp. "apparently so" I replied, sticking my tongue out and wrinkling my nose up. "We're here!" Skip parked the car and jumped up excitedly.

"Where exactly are we?" I asked looking around, we were parked in a small car park next to an industrial estate, It looked kind of abandoned and I was actually starting to feel scared. "This way" Skip held his hand towards me and I placed my fingers in between the spaces of his, I felt safe with Skip, he was my protector. We walked down a small, dark alleyway covered in graffiti and Skip knocked on a heavy metal door half way down, the rain was beating heavily, everything looked gloomy and the sky was dark. "Skip what the fuck is going on?" my voice quivered, I was petrified.


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