44. "Well, Skip and I are, friends..."

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Isla's POV -

Emotions changed rapidly in that room, everything was settled between Skip, Beau and I but it was hard for the others to understand. Sierra looked at me shocked the whole time as we explained what had happened at the party and each time Beau and I snuck off. No one had suspected a thing, they all thought Skip and I were dating already, "You and Beau?!" Jai questioned finally, everyone wanted to say it, but only Jai had the guts. Skip looked slightly awkward and he loosened his grip on my waist, his eyes averted to the floor. "Yes, but it wasn't anything serious, and I should have ended things before going on a date with Skip, but I didn't. Beau and I are friends, Beau and Skip are friends and Skip and I are-" I stopped and thought, what was my relationship was Skip?

Everyone's eyes were on me as I struggled to finish my sentence, my palms started to sweat and I stared blankly at the floor. "Well, Skip and I are, friends..." I finished, my voice trailing off into a whisper. Everyone understood what had happened, althought it took a while for Like and Jai to come to terms with Beau's actions they all soon acted as if it was nothing at all. The topic changed swiftly as everyone was trying to decide which food to order. James came over and hugged me comfortingly, "Isla, don't beat yourself up about it, I know they both like you, but you did the right thing with Skip." he could clearly see the disappointment on my face and spoke softy whilst stroking my arm. James was the sensible one of the boys, well, as sensible as the Janoskians got. "Thank you James, it's better now that it's out in the open and people understand."

Whilst everyone was arguing over Chinese, Indian and Turkish food menus I sloped off to the garden, I needed fresh air, a cigarette and some time to think by myself. I pulled on my jacket, searched around my bag for my cigarette packet and lighter, then made my way to the kitchen door, as I slid the door open the icy wind pelted through my body. The cold weather soothed me for some reason, maybe it was just because I felt so suffocated in the company of everyone else. There was no doubt I was glad everyone had been so understanding of what had happened and everyone had practically already forgotten about it, including Skip and Beau, but I still felt responsible. When I'd left the room Beau and Skip were laughing at something on Skip's phone, there was evidence physically of their disagreement, but apart from that, nothing was obvious.

As the nicotine rushed through my body and the over thinking kicked in, I found myself confused and tears ran down my cheek. Everything had been solved with Beau and Skip, and I really was happy that they'd both let it go so easily, but I didn't know where I stood with Skip anymore. We'd slept with each other four hours ago, he'd met my mother and I'd admitted my feelings in front of him and Beau, yet he was acting cold towards me. Had I done something wrong? Did he feel guilty? Had Beau said something without me knowing? Everything was fine and yet it all seemed e opposite. Just as I moved my hand up to wipe my tears away a pair of lips thrust themselves on to mine, and I kissed them back passionately. In my confused and upset state I assumed they belonged to Skip. I couldn't have been more wrong.

"Beau, what the fuck are you doing?!" I gasped pushing him off me, shocked that I hadn't realised it was him earlier. I tried to pull me back into his arms but I refused to touch him. "Isla, I want you! I can't help myself, every time I see you, I have to have you!" He leant in to kiss me again, holding my shoulders tightly so I couldn't shake off his grip, but I pressed my cigarette end I to his hand and he shouted in agony. "What the fuck Isla?! I know you want me, you can't deny there's sexual chemistry between us! Skip is like a brother to me, but I can't stand to see you with him when I know you want me." he sounded so cocky and arrogant, something I couldn't stand to see in him, I thought Beau and I could be friends, but now I really couldn't stand him!

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