26. "You're beautiful."

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I laid down on the piercing bench, still holding my shirt and bra and watched as Benji placed the clamp over my nipple, gasping slightly at the cold metal. "Everything okay?" he asked, I just nodded and gestured for him to continue. "don't worry" he said soothingly, "it'll only pinch for a second" and his heavily tattooed arm reached beside me as he picked up a needle. He wasn't muscular like Beau and Skip but his tattoos enticed me. He had dark wavy hair mopped over his face, it wasn't long, just the perfect length, he had his septum pierced and stubble dotted around his face. A pair of black, rectangular, thick rimmed glasses covered his eyes, I was actually really attracted to him, I mean, I'm only human.

I gasped again as the needle pierced through my bare skin, it wasn't a horrible pain, it was a pleasurable pain. He slid the bar through my nipple and removed the needle, tightening the ball. He handed me a wipe to clean up the small amount of blood and removed his latex gloves, "is that alright for you?" he asked, a huge smile spread across my face as I looked at it in the mirror. "I love it, thank you so much!" I squealed and hugged him. He hugged me back, making it last a bit longer than I expected and flashed me a smile as we parted. "Come anytime, just bring Skip and I'll do anything free" he said and opened the door for me.

"How'd it go?" Skip smiled as I left the room, he was waiting for me, looking through a tattoo magazine. "If you're a good tour guide, I might show you later" I teased, pinching his cheek as he had mine earlier. "Thanks a lot bro! See you again next week" Skip shook Benji's hands and we left the parlour, through the same door we had entered. "I love this place" Skip smiled "me and the boys filmed here once, see these coloured stains on the floor?" he continued and pointed to the floor, "That red one is Beau's and the green one is mine" he said, reminiscing over the past, chuckling to himself. "your what?" I said confused, wishing I hadn't asked when Skip replied "vomit."

He explained to me about the 3L milk challenge they had done for their YouTube channel and told me a bit about the Janoskians. These guys were actually mental, I was impressed. We talked about their DareSundays challenges and the guys friendship for ages, I was happy listening about someone else's life rather than having to explain my own. The drive to Central Melbourne was only twenty minutes, but I felt like I'd been in Skips' company for hours, I felt good. "Fancy getting some lunch?" I asked him, realising it was now 12:45 and I'd skipped breakfast. "Yes, my treat! You can choose" ugh, he was so lovely, but he'd just gotten me a free piercing so I insisted lunch was on me and we headed to 'Maccas' or McDonalds as we called it in England. I had so much to learn.

"You're beautiful" Skip smiled as we walked over to an empty table, we sat by the window and looked over the city view. I blushed and smiled at the floor, Skip made me feel good about myself, he made me feel beautiful on the inside, as for Beau, he made me feel beautiful outside. I didn't know Beau the way I knew Skip though, I liked both of them, a lot, but in completely different ways. ";You're gorgeous!" I replied, he took my hand in his and kissed it gently. The day so far had been amazing, exciting and I'd more fun than I had in a long time, was I falling for Skip as well as Beau?


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