58. "This is it boys!"

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Skip's POV -

I kissed Isla once more, tears filled her cheeks, making her eyes red and blood shot, she still looked absolutely flawless. Her dark hair was tied into a messy fish tail plait, she wore a pair of my grey, cotton joggers, a tight purple t-shirt and a pair of white vans. He hand gripped tighter to mine as I pulled away, I wiped the tears from her eyes, "Isla, I'll be back in two days, I promise you'll be okay!" I kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly. She pulled away and gestured for me to go before she lost her sanity. Beau, Jai and Luke were impatiently waiting for the rest of us to catch them up, Sierra and Loren had work at 5am and couldn't be here, so it was just Isla and Addie. James kissed Addie quickly, I gave her a hug and told her to look after Isla for me, then James and I set off for the departure gate. I turned around and saw Isla and Addie hugging each other, both of them sobbing equally as hard, I was leaning my girlfriend and my big sister/cousin, it was hard, but I had to focus on my future. I pulled out my phone

To Isla x

I miss you already gorgeous, but it's not for long, I love you piggy. x

From Isla x

I miss you already too baby, enjoy yourself and hurry home! I love you chicken. x

To Isla x

Look after Addie, you two will have each other, and Sierra an Loren, I'll be back before you know it. I love you Sausage. x

From Isla x

You're right, just go and be a Janoskian, you'll be great Skip! I love you my little Lahme x

She was perfect, more than I had ever dreamed about, I hoped this went well, I wanted to make her proud of me and proud to be mine. I turned my phone off and made my way into the plane, excitement rushing through my body.

The flight wasn't long, but it felt like it took days! I was sat next to Luke, the most agitated and easily bored out of all of us. Beau, Jai and James were scattered around the plane, Beau was I front of us, asleep, James was in front of Beau and Jai was in the row next to him. I could hear Jai trying to get Beau's attention, I pulled out my camera, this was a perfect time to have some fun. I started to film Beau snoring and James saw what I was doing, I passed my phone over to him and he zoomed in on Him dribbling down his face. We were in fits of laughter, until Beau woke up. "fuckwits!" he snapped and the old couple sat next to him muttered something under their breath, clearly unimpressed. "BEAU! DARE OR DARE?!" shouted Luke, almost deafening me. "Hard choice, how about dare?" Beau replied laughing.

Beau was soon walking up and down the isle singing at the top of his voice, surprisingly, quite a few people were joining in and Jai, James, Luke and I were laughing uncontrollably. Just as Beau gestured for people to start clapping along with him the voice over sounded 'We will be arriving in Sydney in twenty minutes, please return to your seats, make sure your seat belts are secured tightly and your trays are in the upright position. Thank you." the boys all looked around each other quickly before placing our seat belts on, each of our eyes as bright as each others, excitement running through our bodies. "THIS IS IS BOYS!" James yelled as we left the plane, all of us had our arms around each other as we walked down the airport hallways, smiles plastered across our faces. Somehow Jai and Luke had managed to get their passports mixed up and going through Passport Control took a little longer than we hoped, they got sternly told of by the airport guards for having 'Ridiculous, time wasting teenage behaviour!' Beau was crying with laughter when they were finally allowed to pass through, we made our way to the conveyors to find our bags.

We walked outside and to our surprise there was a tall man holding a card with 'Brooks, Yammouni, Sahyounie' scrawled across it, surrounded by about thirty screaming girls. "bro, people know us!" Jai looked shocked and we all made our way over to the scruffy, blonde male, trying to escape the clutches of the teenagers. 'BEAU, I LOVE YOU!"




Everything was so crazy, as we left the airport, more girls were standing outside and joined the screaming the mob. "You guys really are something eh?" laughed the tall guy, who's name was Ross. We all laughed with him and explained we had no idea people even knew us here. We willingly sighted autographs and stepped in for a few pictures before piling our bags and ourselves into two separate cars. Beau, Jai and Luke were in one taxi, James and I, in the other, "Bro this is mental!" I said, James smiled from ear to ear and replied "This is the start of something big!" We pulled up outside a huge, grand hotel, we climbed out of the cab, thanked Ross for the ride and he said he'd see us in a few hours to take us to the MTV studios. We stood outside the hotel, just staring at the double doors, marble statues guarded the outside and security questioned our arrival. Once inside we walked to the desk and checked in. "Take this key, and use it in the elevator to access the penthouse suite." the woman smiled and handed the key to Beau. "Penthouse suite?!" he gasped and we ran to towards the elevator.

We opened up the door and gasped in amazement. There were black leather couches, a flat screen television took up an entire wall, a marble kitchen and

Dining room area. We dropped our bags and ran onto the couches, "there's a fucking X-box boys!" Luke screamed and ran over to the glass cabinet, "FIFA!" he yelled and grabbed two controllers, "shotgun!" Jai yelled and the two of them began playing. I walked towards the end of the room to find six other doors, three double bedrooms, one with two single beds, a bathroom and a pool room. This was mental! I quickly made myself at home in one of the double bedrooms and laid myself in between the soft, silk sheets. I wished Isla was laying here next to me. I decided to phone her.

Isla: Skip! I miss you baby.

Skip: I miss you too gorgeous, it's incredible here, I just wish you could see it.

Isla: I wish I could be there, but you'll be back soon and we can make up for lost time.

Skip: I seriously cannot wait to get back to you. I'm pumped for MTV though!

Isla: I can only imagine how incredible it must be! Skip, I have to go, I'm going to lunch with my mum, promise me you'll text me when you can?

Skip: Okay baby, I love you!

Isla: Good luck, I love you more!

Skip: Thank you, and never!

I hung up and instantly felt better for hearing her voice, I'd been with her last night and things felt so different now. I was one hundred percent in love with her and knowing she felt the same about me made me smile from ear to ear. I checked my phone again and had three texts.

From Sony x

Look after yourself Skiplet! Have fun, I miss you crazy lot already x

To Sony x

Look after myself or look after James? ;) we miss you too! x

From Benji

Good luck bro, proud of you!

To Benji

Cheers bro! Catch up when I'm back.

From Beau

Wake the fuck up! Jai and Luke are doing my head in.

I laughed at Beau's message, made my way back into the living area to find Luke and Jai screaming at FIFA, James was on the balcony over looking Sydney talking to someone on the phone and Beau was making a mess in the kitchen. "Skip! I need help." he yelled over to me, covered in water, rummaging through the draws desperately. "I can't find a fucking bottle opener and there's like 40 beers in here!" he laughed. "Beau, wait until we get back from MTV ya cunt, we can make a proper night of it!" he agreed and went into the room next to mine to get ready. James was sharing with Jai and Luke had his own room. We all disappeared to get ready and emerged twenty minutes later, feeling fresh.

Breathless - A Janoskians Fanfic. (strong sexual content)Where stories live. Discover now