33. "I was falling for you!"

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Benji explained to me that he used to be addicted to drugs, gambling and drinking, and that he was just wasting his life. He'd met Skip in a hospital, and after realising they were both there for overdosing that night, Benji realised he'd had a choice in doing it, Skip hadn't. "Skip d-did w-what?" I stuttered, unable to picture the gorgeous boy I'd been falling for doing something so tragic. "he overdosed on pills and alcohol, he wanted to kill himself to escape the pain of family life." he told me how Skip's mother had died in a car crash weeks before and his father had abandoned him and his brother. Why hadn't Skip told me? I suddenly felt guilty about the way I'd been treating him this whole time.

"I overdosed because I had a disgusting addiction, I was selfish, Skip had real problems." Benji continued. He carried on telling me how Skip had let him move in with him and his uncle, helped him clean up and even got him a job in his Uncles tattoo parlour. "I finally managed to get a place of my own, but if I hadn't met Skip that night, I'd probably be dead." he finished and took a swig from his green bottle. I sipped my own drink and stared at the floor, more guilt flushed through my body and I wondered how I'd managed to end up in a bar with Benji. Everything was so messed up. "I also happen to know he really likes you." Benji looked slightly disappointed as he said this and looked at the floor.

"I don't know what to say" I admitted and placed my glass back on the bar, holding my arms across my stomach, desperate to stop the tears escaping my eyes. "Isla, I think you're absolutely gorgeous, the way you acted earlier really caught my attention" Benji said, lifting my head up to meet his gaze. "You're so confident and sure of yourself, you're not afraid to take a risk and I really like that about you. But I also saw how much you liked Skip." his voice trailed off, sadness sounded throughout his words and he held my hand in his. I quickly swallowed the rest of my drink and slammed the empty glass on the bar for the last time, I felt sick. "You're lovely Benji, and it would be great to get to know you better, but I shouldn't be here." I swallowed my pride and stood up. "Thank you!" I said and hugged him. He hugged me back and told me to go to Skip.

I ran up the stairs and out into the street clutching my bag. "Max! Which way is Skip's house?" I asked, I was slightly disorientated after the alcohol. "Down that road, turn right and then the next left" he said pointing to a small road I between two cafes. "Thank you!" I hugged him and removed my heels, now sprinting towards the direction he'd pointed. My feet were freezing and I was certain a small bit of glass had wedged its way into my heel but I carried on running, desperate to see Skip and tell him how I felt. Everything was a blur, but I stuck to Max's directions and found myself at the park behind my house, I knew my way from here. I slowed down, trying to figure out was I was going to say to Skip, 'hey Skip, I really lik-' no that was no good, maybe I'd just kiss him.

I didn't want to tell him about Beau, but maybe I didn't have a choice. The things I felt for Beau shattered when he'd told me I meant nothing to him, he might not have meant it, but saying it was enough to push me away. I didn't care about Beau the way I did about Daniel. Skip had given me the best day of my life today and I regretted going to Beau's after all. I could get everything Beau gave me from Skip, and more. Skip made an effort to get to know me, he treated me the way I wanted to be treated, not that I deserved it. I finally arrived at his door and rang the door bell. Skip emerged, His left eye was bruised and his lip was pouring with blood. "what the fuck happened Daniel?!" I cried, trying to console him but he pulled away and shot me a terrifying glance. "You and Beau happened!" he yelled back, his breath stank of alcohol "you were fucking my best friend, whilst we spent the last two days together, I was falling for you!" he was angry and his fists were clenched. He slammed the door in my face and I slumped down on his doorstep, uncontrollably sobbing, banging on his door and shouting his name. I could feel my insides tearing apart.

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