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I got up from bed then get ready for school. I went downstairs to join my family for breakfast.

Hmmmm... the smell of the freshly-brewed coffee lingers through my nose. I can't wait to have one.

I saw my dad sitting in the dining table drinking his coffee while reading newspaper while my mom is still cooking something but I don't know what because she's blocking the view. Then there's my brother who just got out of the bathroom.

"Good morning!" I greeted them while going down the stairs.

"Good morning." They all replied.

"Mom, watcha cooking?"

"I'm making pancakes, honey"

"Ooohhh.. perfect match for a coffee". I said while clapping happily like a five year-old child.

"Tsk. Everything is a perfect match for you as long as coffee is involved". My annoying brother butted in. Mom and dad chuckled. 

"Whatever, my dear brother. You can't blame me for being so into coffees. They smell and taste so great. I can't imagine living a day without it." I retorted.

"yeah yeah whatever, coffee monster"


Mom and dad just stared at me and my brother's little morning argument. They're already used to it because they always see us bickering and teasing each other when we see each other first thing in the morning.

"You guys stop it now and let's eat. You're going to be late." mom interrupted us.

I finished my food then got up then me and my brother headed for school.


We arrived at our school earlier than usual. I still have thirty minutes left before my first class starts while my brother headed to his own class. I decided to just wander around the campus. I don't know where exactly I want to go so I just let my feet lead the way.

I arrived at the school's cafeteria. I saw few students chatting while eating. They're all holding some kind of paper and they all look so excited while reading it. I ignored them and just grab some coffee, yes, COFFEE, again then left.

I headed to the library coz I forgot that I need a book for my math project. Ugh! I hate math! I swear, I really do. It's like, was it even necessary? Do you really need to solve some equations that you didn't even know it exists in real life to know the answer? Ya know what I mean, right? But I have no choice coz I don't want to fail any of my classes so I have to bear with it until I graduate high school.

I still have fifteen minutes left 'til class starts. I left the library then went straight to my locker to get my other stuffs that I need. I saw my two bestfriends standing in front of their lockers chatting.

"Ayo!" I greeted while walking towards them. They immediately stopped talking then turned their attentions to me. They smiled and greeted me back.

"Woori-ah. You free this weekend?" Seungah unni asked.

"uhhm.. yeah.. I think so. Why?" She handed me a paper. I read it.

'Good day students,

We would like to inform you that entertainment companies from Seoul, South Korea will hold an open audition for aspiring singers, dancers, rappers, producers, and actors this coming Saturday at our school's auditorium. For those who are interested, please prepare for a two-minute live performance with your own CD/equipments. This audition may change your lives forever so better give your best because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and we are more than glad to offer it to you.

Thank you and good luck.'

So this is must be also what those students in the cafeteria are talking about.

"I was thinking to join the audition. Watcha say guys?" Eunbi said.

"Me too." said Seungah unni. "How 'bout you Woori?"

"uhmm. I don't think so. Maybe I'll just come and cheer for you guys. You know that I have a stage fright, right? I might just mess up there and embarrassed myself in front of the the other students and the judges." I reasoned out. They both frowned. 

"Aww come on Woori-ah! You have a wonderful talent. Don't hide it forever."

I insisted  that I'm not going to audition instead I'll cheer for them. In the end, they got tired of persuading me and just let me do what I wanted to.

*bell rings*

We bid our goodbyes and headed on our own classes. Since Seungah unni is a year higher than Eunbi and I, she went the other way while we headed for our first class.

While walking, I keep on thinking about that audition thingy. Inside, I really want to audition because I always dreamed to be a famous singer but my nervousness and doubts always eats me.

"Eotteokhae?" I mutter to myself.


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