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*one week later*


I was sleeping peacefully when I felt my bed bounced. 

Great way to start my Sunday morning.

"WOORI-AH! WOORI-AH! WOORI-AH!" It's Eunbi. I grunted as an answer.

"Woori-ah ireona (get up)!" she shooks my shoulder like there's no tomorrow.

"Wae? Wae? Wae?" my eyes still half closed. She slightly slapped an envelope on my face. 

What a great friend, right?

"Eomma found it in the mailbox this morning. I went straight here so we can read it together. Sasireun (honestly) I haven't brushed my teeth yet hehe" she whispered the last sentence but I still heard it.

"Seriously?!" I fake a disgusted face. She nodded. Well, her house is just a couple of houses away from mine. Did I mention that she is still in her PJs?

"Wait! Let's call Seung—" 

"WOORI-AH! Oh! Eunbi-ah you're also here?!" right on cue, Seungah unni came. I noticed she's also still in her PJs. I think I know why she's here.

We opened Eunbi's letter first.

"WAAAHHHH!" We hugged each other and jumped up and down the bed almost breaking it. She passed and got a training contract from JYP her dream company. "Chukhahae Eunbi-ah!"

"OMO! OMO! OMO! I got a contract from JYP~! It means that I'll see missA and 2PM everyday~ Wooyoung oppa here I come~!" she's fangirling right now everyone.

I grabbed Seungah unni's envelope and opened it then they switched their attentions to me.

"What does it say?!" Seungah unni asked with mixed emotions. I kept a straight face and returned it to her. "See for yourself."

She jumped at me making me fall flat on the bed. Guess she's too happy at the result. She also passed and made it SM's standards, also her dream company. Eunbi joined us and jumped at Seungah unni adding more weight on me. 

"I'm soooo happy for guys!!~" I still managed to say even if it's kinda hard to breathe with these fatty on me. Just kidding ^ ^

Their smile slowly faded. "What's with the face?" I asked them a bit worried.

"They want us to start our training next month. It only means that we'll leave you and we're not going to see each other for a very long time." Eunbi stated trying to hold back her tears. Seungah unni just nodded. That hit me hard. I haven't thought of that.

I cupped Eunbi's face with my hands. "Geokjeongma (Don't worry). We can still videochat when we both have time." I assured her and she smiled slowly. "Besides, I don't think you'll ever remember me now that you can be around Wooyoung oppa everytime" I faked a sob acting jealous.

"Aniya! I love you more than Wooyoung oppa!"

"Arasseo, arasseo." We spent half of the day at my house and went home in the afternoon.

*knock knock*

"Ya monkey! Dinner's ready"

"Ne." I followed my brother downstairs.

We eat dinner silently. That's odd, it's never this quiet. Something's going on here I can feel it.

"Uhmm.." mom hesitantly spoke. I knew it.

"Your uncle Sihyuk called earlier. He said that her wife is kinda lonely and depressed these past months coz he's been very busy lately with his company that he barely goes home. He's worried sick about her. And..." she paused for a while. 

I think I know where this is going.

"We're moving back to Korea"

Everybody froze. I think. Or is it just me?

"Eonje? (When?)"

"Next week."

"Mwo?! Why so sudden?!" I raised my voice a bit not believing what's happening.

"Your uncle asked me if we can move back as soon as we can. Don't worry I'll fix your school documents tomorrow." I just nodded as an answer.

After dinner, I went back to my room. I decided to open my Kakao group chat.

BangRiri: Still awake?

Sophia_Wooooo: yeah.. wae?

AnnaYoonEB95: ayo! Wassup?!

BangRiri: looks like I'll see Korea first.

AnnaYEB95: wattaya mean unni?

BangRiri: well, eomma talk to us during dinner and told us that we'll move back to Korea due to uncle's request.

Sophia_Wooooo: jinjja?! When?

BangRiri: Next week.

Sophia_Wooooo: what?!

AnnaYoonEB95: mwo?! That fast?!

BangRiri: I know right. I kinda feel sad and happy at the same time. Sad coz I'll leave first and happy coz I'll live to the same place as you means we can still hangout together. ^ ^

Sophia_Wooooo: yeah right! BFFs forevs.


AnnaYEB95: as much as I want to still talk to you but I kinda sleep rn. Gotta sleep now. See u tomorrow! GN :*

Sophia_Wooooo: Nado. Nyt girls :*

BangRiri: K. nytie! :*

I turned off my phone and got ready to sleep.

I wonder how my life will be when we get back to Korea. Will it still be the same as when we left it? Or does everything already changed? Is he still living there or did he already move to another place?

A lot of thoughts entered my mind. Slowly, I drifted to sleep still thinking about those questions.

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