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I went back to our dorm after my conversation with Dave. He also has to go coz he has something to do. 

I told him everything, everything as in everything. From the day Jimin and I started dating until we broke up and having new relationship with Mark. I poured my heart and feelings to him. He comforted me which was what I needed the most right now. I know I can trust him that's why I didn't hesitate to tell him the whole story. I know my secret's safe with him.

I opened the dorm and walked in lifelessly to my room.

"Woori-ah, where have you been?" Hyejeong unni asked.

"Uh... I was just strolling at the park when I bumped into an old friend and you know, we catch up with each other."

"Well then, come join us to dinner." Chaeyeon unni added.

"Ani. he treated me to a café we always go to before." I lied. I just don't have the appetite to eat.

I went to my room and lay on my bed.

Minutes passed, someone entered the room.

"Where have you been?"

"I told you I was--"

"You know that's not what I mean." She cut me off.

She locked the door and went to sit beside me. "Yejin told me that you we're both just watching TV when you suddenly stormed out of the dorm. What happened?"

I sat back up to level with her. "I just felt a sudden suffocation so I decided to get some fresh air."

"Why so?"


"Woori-ah, I know you more than anyone in this dorm. You can tell me anything, you know that."



"Sasileun, nado molla (Honestly, I also don't know)"


"I'm also as confused and clueless as you are."

"What exactly is happening, Woori?"

"H-he already found someone new." Tears are threatening to fall.

"Who? Mark? What did that bastard done to you?" I can feel anger creeping up on her.

"No! It's not him."

"Then who?!"


I hid my face from her. I don't know how to answer her.

"Is it him?"


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