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YG has given us a year break after our tour so us girls just chill in our dorm and when we get bored, we go out for shopping.


I went to the kitchen to have breakfast with the girls.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning!" they greeted back.

"Woori-ah, let's go shopping today." Boram nudged me.

"I'm lazy to go out. Go with Yejin instead."

"You sound like Suga sunbaenim right now. Hello? Woori? Are you there? Why is Yoongi sunbaenim's soul is inside Woori's body?" she retorted. The others laughed.

"Okay, okay, I'll go. I'll shower then we'll go."

I went to the living room after I doll myself up. I already saw Boram sitting on the couch. "Took you long enough. I thought you're never going to get out of that door. C'mon."

We went to Dongdaemun to shop for clothes. We wore disguises so fans won't recognize us, we want to shop freely. We went from store to store and each store we entered, there was at least one bag of clothes added to our hands as we exit.

Boram dragged me down the street and entered a salon.

"What are we doing here?" I asked her.

"We're going to have a make-over?" she answered sarcastically

"What's the occasion?"

"Nothing. I just feel like a want a new look for us."

The employees lead us to sit down to get started.

Boram suddenly stood up. I looked at her, surprised. "Oh! I forgot, Yejin told me to buy her something."

"We can buy it together, after this."

"Nah... I might forget it. Don't worry, I won't take long." Then she stormed out of the salon.

She went back after half an hour and went back to where she sat before.

"What did you buy?"

"Uh... just... something for her collection."


Yejin loves collecting Stitch. If you enter her room, you can't see anything but Stitch. From posters to plushies, it's all Stitch.

After our make-over, Boram dragged me again somewhere. "Where are we going this time? Aren't you tired? Because I am. Let's go home now." I whined.

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