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These past months, everything's working out just fine. ROYALS is very active after our year hiatus. A lot of endorsements are being offered to us, our faces can be seen literally everywhere, from magazines to billboards, our group is always present.

We also get a lot of collaboration offers, both in Seoul and internationally, like what our seniors have experienced.

My brother is slowly being recognized with his acting skills. Only just yesterday, we went to his first movie premiere, he has the lead role. I am so proud of him.

Mark, well... he's doing fine now. GOT7's been touring lately. We went to their concert in Japan because we were also there at that time, shooting for a magazine issue.

Bangtan, hmmm... busy as ever. Yoongi oppa finally released his mixtape after a centuryㅋㅋㅋ. Just kidding. It took me a lifetime to convince him that his mixtape is 'the bomb' but he said that he's still not satisfied with them until I did something that will make him finally say yes. I called Seungah unni. I told her to convince him which went successfully. He can't say no to her.

And as I predicted, it was a success. The second after it's been released, it already went on top of all music charts. The others are in hiatus for now, giving Yoongi oppa the spotlight. The guys are always in every music show Yoongi oppa performs. I join them whenever I have free time.

Taehyung and Eunbi, they already announced their relationship to the media. Well, it was worth announcing for. They went through a lot. There are a lot of times when they're already at the edge of breaking up but they always make a way to fix it. Their quarrels are not a joke. Due to their schedules, they can't see each other frequently and sometimes, they accused each other of cheating but in the end, they always made up. They love each other so much that they can't live without each other. And I'm so glad that each other's fans accepted their relationship happily. Well, some are sad and angry, it can't be avoided. But, I'm still happy for them.

iKON... they're always called as the 'Next BIGBANG' because of their undeniable success. But until now, they reasoned out that they can't be near as being like our seniors. Hanbin and Lee Hi unni are still going strong but they decided to keep their relationship in private. I also grew closer with Lee Hi unni. Our age is not that far from each other so I guess that's why we got along together easily.

Jimin... I can say that we fall in love again with each other. We always talk, either personally or only on phonecalls. We hangout sometimes. We do what normal couples do but the only difference is that... we aren't couples. The guys are always teasing us to get back together. I don't why but whenever me and him are doing couple stuffs, Taehyung is always around and witnessed everything. We're just friends. Close friends. I think that's all we are now which makes me kinda sad.

I guess I can say we're all happy. Everyone's having happy lives now, like they haven't experienced rough times before.

As of me, well... I got used to everything now. I know everything's changed and there's no way to bring it back. I just have to accept and go on with it. I am a different person now, but in a good way. I'm not a normal Korean girl who grew up in L.A who's too shy to stand infront of many people. I'm not like that anymore. I am now a girl who fought her fears of being shy and pursued her dreams. I am also a girl who is brave enough to face every difficulties that awaits her. I am a girl who doesn't give up for something she's worth having for.

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