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I went back at the dorm after Chorong noona and Eunji noona arrived at the store to fetch Naeun.

I'm at the front door of our dorm preparing myself to enter. I know once I landed my feet inside, something bad will happen so I collected myself first before entering.

I opened the door and entered with my head hang low. I can sense a negative aura circling inside.

"You son of a bitch!" 

Someone pulled me and punched me right on the face, hitting the target.

"Hyung! Hajima!" 

I keep my head low and don't dare to look at him in the eyes.

"Let me go Jungkook. I have to teach this asshole a lesson." 

I know it's Yoongi hyung who punched me. He's struggling from Jungkook's arm but the latter's too strong for him. I didn't bother fighting back because I know, at every point, that I was the only person at fault.

"No hyung! I won't. We don't want another trouble to cause."

"Let him go, Kook. I deserve it."

"I know you do. We all fucking do. In fact, I also want to fucking punch you too but I'm just stopping myself. I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for us. Now go before I change my mind and let hyung punch you to death."

I went to my room and locked the door behind me. Even if I didn't look at them, I can feel the piercing looks they're giving me especially Yoongi hyung. He has all the rights to do so because I promised him that I'll never ever make Woori cry but what did I do? I made her cry.


Breakfast today is what I expected to be. Everybody's quiet and are just focused on their food. I roam my eyes around the kitchen hoping to find the only person I want to see right now.

"She's not home. She hasn't gone home since yesterday because of your bullshit." Taehyung must've noticed me looking around. I just continued eating and still doesn't dare to look at them. I know they hate me to hell but are just hiding it. But Jungkook don't want to hide it. He wants to show me how he really hates me.


A week has passed and Woori hasn't come home yet. I'm getting worried to death now. I don't know where she is and if she's doing fine. I can't even ask the boys because I know that they know where her whereabouts are but they're still treating me like a complete stranger.

One night, we heard the doorbell ring. Hoseok hyung went to answer it. 

"Omo! Woori-ah, you're back!" he shouted loud enough for us to hear from the living room.

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