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Today's the day I really looked forward to.

I'm gonna visit my parents!!

Uncle told me this great news. On top of that, I can bring the boys with me. Ever since I moved to the boys' dorm, I never got the chance to visit them again.

I think it's time to let them know about me and Jimin oppa.

We left the dorm early so we can arrive there early. We were only given a day so better make the best of it. Uncle rode in his own car while I was with the boys, of course.

Yoongi oppa is so excited to meet my parents.

"Woori-ah, do you think they still know me?"

"Of course oppa. Why wouldn't they?"

After my little chat with him, I shifted my attention to my cute dooly beside me. He looks nervous at the same time, afraid. I held his hand tighter.

"You okay?"


"What's goin on that little brain of yours?"


I ignored his whining and waited for his answer. Knowing that I'm persistent to know, he answered.

He released a loud sigh. "I dunno... I'm just nervous"

"About what?"



"What if your parents don't like me?"

I chuckled. "Is that all?" he nodded.

"Geokjeongma. They'll like you. They're not that strict of a parent. Now wipe that worried face on you and smile. I don't want a boyfriend who looks ten years older than me because of frowning a lot."

He smiled. "There~ more like it." I kissed his cheeks.

We arrived at uncle's residence.

The boys are astonished like I used to when I first came here at how big uncle's house is. They hesitated to enter at first so I guided them in.

We were greeted by auntie. "Omo! Woori-ah~ it's nice to see you again, darling." She kissed my forehead. The boys bowed at her. "Hello there. What a very handsome men. Say, is one of you her boyfriend?" With that question, the mood became awkward.

She laughed. "I'm just kidding. Proceed now to the dining table. Let's eat first."

As we were waiting for the others to settle down on their seats, I saw two figures who I really love to see first thing when I step in this house.

"Eomma! Appa!" I stood up from my seat and run to them. They gave me a big and tight hug.

"I really miss you guys!"

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