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It's been two weeks since I had that conversation with Yoongi hyung. It feels great that I have let out my feelings for Woori that I've been hiding for so long. I know I shouldn't tell that to Yoongi hyung since he's involved here, but it felt comfortable to share it with him.

At first, it's hard to pretend that I'm perfectly fine when they are so sweet together because I promised hyung that I'll stay out of their way. But I never thought that I've been wrong all along.


I've been quiet all throughout our practice. I just focus on the steps and don't join the members joke around. After that talk with Yoongi hyung, I don't know how to face him. He, for sure, must be mad at me for liking his girl.

"Jimin-ah... you alright? You don't seem to be yourself today." Taehyung sat beside me when we had a few minutes break.

"Huh? U-uh... y-yeah."

"Geojitmal (lies). Don't fool me. I know when something's bothering you. Mind sharing it to me?"

"A-ani.. gwaenchana. I'm just not in the mood today that's all. Excuse me, I'll go to the restroom." I stood up and left Taehyung.

I went back to our practice room and saw no one in here. Where are they?

"They went to buy bubble tea." Someone suddenly talked. I turned around and saw only Yoongi hyung. I just nodded coz I still feel awkward talking to him.

I stood in front of the window and stared at the sky. He followed and stood beside me.

"Jimin-ah... about last night---"

"Hyung.. let's not talk about it, please. I told you I'll stay away, right? You don't have to worry. You have my word." I cut him off.

"Can you hear me out first?! You didn't even let me speak last night that's why I'm saying this to you now." That shut me up. I nodded and listened to what he was going to say.

"First, I wanna say thank you for telling me that you like Woori instead of keeping it to yourself. I already knew that sooner or later, one of you will eventually like her. Who wouldn't anyways? She has the beauty, talent and personality a man could ever ask for a girl. Woori is one of the most precious persons in my life. She's the first person who made me realize the true value of life, family and friendship. Meeting her is the most beautiful moment in my life. When she left me without even saying goodbye, I locked myself in my room and cried for days knowing I won't ever see her again. But you know what? Never in my existence did I get mad at her even if I wanted to because I know that there's a reason behind why she left without notice. So when I got a little older, I tried to find her in every way that I can...."

He paused.

I don't know why he's saying those things to me right now.

"..and now that she's here, I've never been more happier. I promised myself that whatever happens, I'll never get separated from her again. I love her in every way. I'll do anything just to protect her and make her happy. I'll even sacrifice myself for her sake. That's how much I love her. And now, I'm glad that someone feels the same towards her as me."

I got confused from his last sentence. "What do you mean hyung?"

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