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Wait a minute, that voice sounds too familiar too me. I looked at where the voice is coming from and to my guts, I was right, it is her. She was looking at me, smiling while walking towards me.

Am I really hearing it right? Is she really calling out for me?

She was getting near me so I did my part and also walk towards her. We are getting nearer and nearer and I can feel my heart beat irregularly. Gawd, I freaking miss her. I never thought this day would come where I can hold her in my arms again after our breakup. And I swear, that was the most fucked up breakup I could ever imagine.


I was chilling with the boys and my girl at the dorm when I heard my phone ringing. I was debating with myself if I should answer it or not coz it was an unknown number but in the end, I decided to answer it.


"Hello. Is this Park Jimin?"

"Ne. Naya"

"Hello, sir. I'm a bartender at a club. I'm just being concerned with one of our customers here. It's Naeun-ssi"


As soon as I heard her name, my face kinda turned white. What the hell happened to her?

I don't want them especially Woori to hear about my conversation so I excused myself and went to the veranda.

"What happened to her?"

"She's really drunk and is still drinking as we speak, sir."

"Then why aren't you fucking stopping her?"

"We did, sir. We did. But she's too stubborn. She said that she will only stop if you would come. She gave me your number that's why we called you."

"I-I don't know if I c-can come." 

I can't risk my image to go at a club and leave there with a drunk Naeun.

"Please, sir. I know that she's a celebrity that's why we don't want her to do unnecessary things and realize that she ruined her image once she got sober."

I'm still unsure if I should go or not. But she's one of my closest friends. I can't just abandon her there because of my stupid image.

"O-okay, I'll come. Just give me the address and prepare us a way to exit that bar without anyone seeing us. I'll be there in a few." I hung up and went back to the gang.

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