Secrets and Lies 27

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This is my spin on a KBTBB love one shot. I hope you enjoy it. There is some smut, and violence and strong language please be advised now enjoy!
Comments are appreciated and vote if you want.

Secrets and Lies

Part 27:

Sweetness POV continues:

I stood up, stretching my back. I'm doing a body check, my head is a little fuzzy.

"My face?" I sighed.

"I am just thankful I'm not hurt that bad I'll live....." I whispered.

"Oh yeah, Inui!" I race to the monitors. I'm Putting my torn shirt back on.

I rushed to the computers monitors. I turn on the monitors. I wanted to see what's going on. What did I miss.

"Please Inui don't die!" I prayed.

I see him, "What is he doing?" I asked my self.

I see him take out three punks. He's  pulling the corpses behind a parked cars.
I see him come up to the room. He sees that there are two more punks in there. He got near the door and he says nothing, then I see him disappear in to the shadows.

He falls behind the door, waiting for his next victim. I'm in awe at the way Inui is moving and stalking.

I look on the monitor, where the other Ice Dragons are being held.

Inui is outside but there are two heavily armed punks in there. I mailed my phone. How can I warn him?" He's about to open the door when one of thems cellphone rings.

That startled Inui he backs off in to the shadows again.

"This is Link. Yes Boss. I will there secure. I'll lock them in, and we will come. You have the girl? Fine we'll find him! I'll call the other two to find him. Good we are on our way." Link hangs up his cell phone. He gestures for his subordinate to follow him out of the room with the prisoners.

The Link and his underling leaves. They run towards the stairs to meet the with their boss.

Inui comes from the shadows and leans his ear against the door. He bends down to pick the lock. He turns around looking to see if there is anyone else around. Then he steps into the room. Closing the door in silence. I see he begins to untie the troops in side the room.

I can't believe Inui got there. I sighed in relief.

"Wait!! "I sighed.

They will be coming here. My eyes open wide."I can't be caught here. I don't have my phone! Shit! I mailed it." I open my mouth but then I closed it. "I need to leave before they or he comes back. Get your things now!" I said quietly.

I picked up my gun that Inui gave to me. I took the full clip from my pocket. And placed it on the desk. I take the gun and ejected the empty clip. I begin to reload my gun. I take out the empty clip and replace it with the full one.

"Now I have reloaded my gun." I pick up the butterfly knife from underneath the desk. I see his discarded blue shirt on the floor. I take the butterfly knife in my left hand and begin to wipe it off on his blue shirt and I closed it up. I put it in my pocket. I get the brass knuckle knife.I pull it out of his chest. Then I take the blue shirt and commence wiping the knife off..

I urge myself to put the knife back into my boot. I then grab the hoodie that Inui gave me. I put now my sweatshirt back on, to cover my torn shirt. I breathe heavily. I look at the monitor. And I begin to turn them off. But the cameras are still rolling.

I take a swig of water. I flinch at the pain of the water touching my mouth, my split lips, but I have to leave here. I think to my self.

I have to leave here, before they know what I've done here.

"If I'm discovered here and if they see all the dead bodies! Shit is going to hit the fan!" I say in fear.

My only escape is to go where Inui and the rest of the Ice Dragons are. I knew it was the only way.

So, I make it there. This place isn't safe anymore.

I started to get the things together. I'm making sure I have everything.

I put the lighter in my pocket the small can of hairspray in the pocket and I put the knives away as well, then I thought, "Wait, if I set off the fire alarms. What  will happen? I think that's my escape if push comes to shove. Wait, I grab a bag and I begin to disarm my tormentors. All of the weapons they came into this office with I will grabbed." I'm stuffing the bag.

I left the office without being spotted. I locked the door behind knowing that the keys are inside the bag I'm carring.

I committed to maneuver the hallways the stairs silently.

I finally reached them.

I see them, I went to the side and crouch down behind the pillar.

I believe the Inui  is filling in Samejima  in on what is going on.

I quietly walked over behind the pillar. I said something, "psst. Psst. Psst!" I'm calling out to Inui.  Inui looks up.

"Princess? Wh what are you doing here?" He gasped.

"They invaded the office! I had to get out before they hurt me........." I say crouching in the shadows.

"Are you okay?" Inui steps closer to me.

"I'm fine! No need to come closer...." I say staying in the position I'm in.

"Why?" Samejima said.

"Did they hurt you?" Ghost injected.

"Not really...... I'm okay." I say pulling the hood down over my face. So they can't see my face and the bruises.

I started to stand. I'm a little shaky. As Inui got closer to me. I hand the bag aid weapons to him.

"What's this!?" Inui asked.

"Their are weapons......" I answered.

"Weapons?" Ghost questioned.

"Yes! Weapons! Do you have any?" I answered.

To be continue


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