Just a little disagreement

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Diggy:hello? Can I help you?

?:your Daniel right?

Diggy:yea and you are?

?:my name is Lena and I'm Leah's cousin. And she just went into labor.


Lena:yea and she told me to come let you know.

Diggy:ok well let me just get my shirt an shoes.



Diggy ran in the room and put on his shirt and shoes



You:baby what's wrong?




You:Daniel Dwayne Simmons III



He ignored and ran out... I hopped up not trying to wake up jr and chased after him but before I got anything else out he slammed the door... Confused I went back into the room and begin to pace the floor "what just happen?" I asked myself I was beginning to pick my phone up to call him when I looked on the shelf to see his phone...sighing I sat on my bed and then heard little footsteps I looked up to see little Aubrey wiping her eyes...



You:come here baby. what's wrong sweetheart?

Aubrey:mommy what was that?

You:oh uh Someone was at the door.

Aubrey:where's daddy? (yawns)

You:he had to uhh go out real quick he will be back. Now lets go to bed its late baby

Aubrey:can I sleep with you and jr?

You:yes as long as you don't wake him up.




We got in next to jr and I held them while thinking about diggy till I finally went to sleep...






I got up to Aubrey playing with jr I sat up and wiped my eyes smiling at them..



Aubrey:up Dan.

You:*laughs* baby be careful. He's only a beginner

Aubrey:ok. Morning mommy

You:goodmorning hunny.



I picked jr up and kissed him walking into the living room to see a sleeping diggy. I walked over to him, tapped him and when he opened his eyes I sat jr on him and walked back in my room... I got in the shower and stuff then went to feed Aubrey and jr. After I finished feeding Aubrey I went back into the room to see diggy laying with jr I picked him up and took him in the living room to feed him... While feeding the Dan diggy walked in and sat next to me...



Diggy:goodmorning. You:goodmorning.

Diggy:so how did you sleep?

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