Would Be You...

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I didn't think I would be waking up in a white room again...I sat up obviously in the hospital...my mom walked up to my bed.




Mom:hey baby. Good to see you up again.

You:-smiles- what are you doing here?

Mom:dig called and said you was in the hospital. So me and your father rushed down here. Your father had to go pick up your grandmother from the airport.

You:dig! Where's Daniel?

Mom:oh he's in the hallway he just refused to come in. How are you feeling?

You:I've had better days.

Mom:aww I know sweetheart. The doctor said your blood pressure was way to high. You really have to be careful baby.

You:have you heard from the kids?

Mom:yes they are still with Justine we all felt that it would be best to not tell them just yet. But they should be by soon


Mom:no problem.

You:mommy can you tell diggy to come in?

Mom:sure baby.



She walked out and a few minutes later diggy walked in alone...he slowly walked up to my bed and sat in the chair...it was quite until I sighed and spoke...



You:you hate me I know. You have all right to. I really messed up.


You: -sighs- last night while I was with Phillip he helped me re-

Diggy:you talking about him only makes me mad stop!

You:let me finish...while I was with him he helped me realize something...that you are my dream guy. You are a great provider,lover,father, and most importantly you are a great person! There is NO one else I could imagine myself with. -cries- I don't care about any of the stuff you did because all of the good out ways the bad! Daniel I'm sorry for everything excepting the clothes,shoes,jewelry, limo ride! Especially sleeping at his house! All of it was a disrespect to you! I'm really sorry and I hope one day you can forgive me. I love you.



I looked at him as he held his head down...when he finally lift it up I could see his red puffy eyes he got up and stormed out...my mom soon walked in as I let the rest of my tears fall...



Mom:baby what's going on? Why is dan crying? Why are you crying?

You:mom I messed up.

Mom:what happen?

You:my boss bought me a dress some shoes and a necklace.



Mom:oh lord.

You:yes and there was an event for our job so they paired us up and later on I ran into Jason.. He-

Mom:Jason Collins?

You:yes mom.

Mom:ok continue.

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