Just A Little Company...

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Phillip:What's going on?
We walked inside his huge house and went into the living room...
You:it's a lot.
Phillip:I'm waiting..
You:-sighs- ok we-
I started but got interrupted by phone it's been ringing since I left the house and knowing that it was diggy I turned it off...
Phillip:your not going to answer that?
You:let me explain the situation first then you'll understand...ok so after you left Daniel took a turn!
Phillip:what you mean?
You:well to start it off he cheated on me.
You:yes! With his baby mother. Then when we all sat down and "talked" he l-
Phillip:wait! Pause! Y'all all sat down?
Phillip:like you and his baby mama in 1 room?
Phillip:this nigga gotta stop watching love and hip hop. Stevie j teaching him all wrong
You:-laughs- shut up. Let me finish
Phillip:ok go ahead.
You:and he lied about it dead in my face. Now he tells me he was engaged to her..
You:I know right...
You:Phillip I came here for more than just a "damn"
Phillip:look ima be straight up with you. All men fuck up! It's in our nature we can't help it. I know it sounds like bullshit but it's the truth it's up to YOU to decide if that person is worth your time! I can't make your decision...neither can no one else. only you can have a say so on what you decide to do.
You:that's almost just what my mom said.
Phillip:it's the truth.
You:-sighs- I know.
Phillip:so what are you going to do?
You:I have no clue.
Phillip:I know this May not be the right time to mention this...but are you coming back to work because I've been getting mad calls.
You:-laughs- you are silly!
Phillip:-laughs- I'm just being honest.
You:-smiles- yes I'll be at work.
Phillip:ok coo.
You:thanks Phillip.
Phillip:for what?
You:for being a good person. I've only known you for like a week now and you have been a good friend. -laughs- horrible boss...but good friend.
Phillip:-laughs- ok I see how it is. I was that bad?
Phillip:well my bad ill ease up. I just be trying to get the job done. I really don't want to hear my dad's mouth.
You:who you tellin! My dad is the exact same way.
Phillip:and that is why they are friends.
You:you right...
We sat in silence for a while until he stood up and held his hand out for me to take it...
Phillip:lets go get your mind off all this drama.
You:where? it's getting late..
Phillip:just come on! Damn girl.
We went into his garage and it was dark and I couldn't see so he guided me to a spot and counted down to 3 when he hit 1 the lights turned on and i turned around to see a some really nice cars...
You:and to think you didn't even have a car.
Phillip:-laughs- why would you think that?
You:because you always in the limo.
Phillip:oh naw this is only some...now pick one...
You:what you mean "pick one" ?
Phillip:pick one and we'll drive it to where I wanna take you.
You:Phillip I'm n-
Phillip:if you don't just pick one! Either the Benz,lambo, Bugatti, Or the f-
Phillip:why? Because it's red?
You:-laughs- yea how did you know?
Phillip:I just know.
We got in and drove to the pier...oh how I love rides! we got on the little roller coaster, the dragon and played some of the games...then finally the Ferris wheel...
You:it's so beautiful here at night...
Phillip:I know right. My mom use to bring me here at night to what she would call it "a night of fresh air" especially when she found out my dad had cheated on her with his assistant...we was out here for like 5 hours -chuckles-
You:wait Mr.Jacob's cheated on your mom?
Phillip:why you so surprised? I told you men mess up! In they case they found that through it all they still love each other...
Phillip:-chuckles- yup 23 years and counting.
You:that's amazing.
Phillip:like I said before...it all depends on if you decide that person is worth your time.
We went around twice just laughing and enjoying each other company after we got done, we decided it was time to leave but before I could open the door Phillip came around and gently pushed me around to the other side and gave me the keys...
You:oh no..
You:Phillip I can't.
Phillip:-laughs- if you don't get in this car and drive.
You:you sure?
I opened the door but while I was getting in he smiles...
Phillip:plus you need to get used to your new car...
I shut the door and looked at him..
You:oh see your doing to much now.
Phillip:-laughs- what? I seen how bright your eyes got.
You:but phi-
Phillip:I'll take it out your pay. Would that make you feel better.
You:Phillip my pay isn't even half as much as this car. No!
You:Phillip I ca-
Phillip:I don't want to hear it! It's yours.
Phillip:don't wanna hear it!
Phillip:now let's go...
I pulled off and headed back to his house...when we got in I went straight into the living room and laid down...
Phillip:you tired I see.
You:I'm exhausted more emotionally then physical though.
Phillip:well how about we watch titanic?
You:is that a joke?
Phillip:-laughs- what?
You:you see what I'm going through right now!
Phillip:-chuckles- ok my bad then. how about "think like a man" ?
He went to put in the movie and I decided to turn my phone back on to see I had 42 missed calls, 23 text messages and 10 voice messages all from diggy...then my phone began to ring again so I decided to pick it up this time...

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