Nothing But Bad...

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You:Who in the hell is this?

?:Girl who the fuck you th-

Diggy: uhh baby?

You:Daniel who the hell was that?

Diggy:oh uh that was just Christina

You:Christina who? I don't know a Christina and didn't know that you did!

Diggy:uh look ill be home soon. I promise ill explain everything!




I laid back down and just sat there thinking I KNOW he didn't think I was stupid and I KNOW he didn't expect to just come in here and think things were going to be ok! My mind was racing on what to do and things to say I couldn't even go back to sleep. It was almost a hour later when diggy walked in... He came straight up to me and kissed me I stood up and just looked at him...



You:now who's Christina?

Diggy:oh Leah's cousin.

You:and why is she answering your phone?

Diggy:I don't know. I was walking my daughter up and down the hall while Leah slept and I guess she answered.

You:yea alright Daniel.

Diggy:what you don't believe me?

You:the fact that I do got me hot!

Diggy:what you mean?


Diggy:wow over her answering my phone?

You:Yes! Homegirl was getting a little to hype over the phone.

Diggy:you overreacting.

You:alright so if I was to be out with Aubrey and mike and he answer my phone getting a little out of line it would be coo?

Diggy:man I don't want to even hear nothing like that.

You:now YOU Overreacting .

Diggy:it's to late for this.

You:yea your right goodnight.



I turned off the light and just laid down I figured that he wouldn't come lay next to me so I just closed my eyes until I drifted off to sleep...





Next Morning

I woke up early this morning to get started on things when I walked in the living room to see no diggy.. Didn't even here him leave last night but oh we'll if that's how he wants to treat things then ok...I got up showered and stuff then went to go see the kids still sleep I decided to call him to see what was up...





You:where you at?

Diggy:at the hospital getting ready to take Leah and kalies home.


Diggy:my daughter.

You:oh ok.

Diggy:when I'm done we need to talk so take jr and aubriel to mama house I called her she's waiting on them.




I went in the kids room to wake them up I decided to just pack their clothes so they can get ready at mama house . Before dropping them off I stopped by McDonald's...



Aubrey:mommy why we going to nana house?

You:because sweetie she missed you guys don't you miss nana? I know Jr does huh tink!

Jr: (smiles)

Aubrey:yes! (Giggles)



I dropped off the kids then went back to the house to see diggy sitting on the couch on his phone. I slowly walked up and sat next to him sighing..



You:so umm...

Diggy: (sighs) look I'm real tired of going through all of this! you are suppose to be my fiancé, my backbone and I expect for you

To be by my side always...

You:so your saying I'm not by your side?....ok.

Diggy:lately it don't seem like it.

You:diggy I am by your side! I've always been by your side.

Diggy:What's my daughter name?

You:which one?

Diggy:my new born.


Diggy:and when did you find out her name?

You: (sighs) earlier.

Diggy:see your suppose to know stuff like that! I know you don't like Leah but damn that's still my daughter and she's still the mother of my child.

You:I know.

Diggy:I'm not about to keep going through this with you and her! you keep saying things over here and she keeps saying things over there and it needs to stop!

You:alright dig ill drop it! Not like she's worth it anyway..

Diggy:see! That needs to stop

You:alright! I just want you to know that I'm sorry and I'm here through it all...

Diggy:thank you so much. Now we are umm having company so ca-



Before he got the chance to continue the doorbell rung and he got up and answered while i stayed on the couch waiting until I heard heels coming into the living room then I looked up and there she stood.....Leah

{ just doing some late night writing lol hope you enjoyed! #muchlove }

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