Facing My Past....

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[yea so i was suppose to upload this yesterday but i got tired and lazy lol forgive me? ok well yea i know that i use to say YOU and its ME but dont worry IM STILL IN YOUR POV! but anyway lets goooo..]


?:look dont hang up please!

you:mike why are you calling me!?

mike:look i just want to see my daughter..


mike:please [YN]

you:(yells) mike do you know what i went through with you! i (cries) i almost lost her because of you!

mike:i know and im sorry i have changed , im not on drugs anymore i went to a Rehabilitation Center

you:(sigh) mike i cant forgive you for what you did!

mike:im not askin you too! i just want to see my daughter please!

at that moment diggy and aubriel had walked back in the living room... i put my finger up and walked in my room....

you:i dont know mike...

mike:please i promise you i wont do anything to hurt either one of you, all i want is to spend time with my daughter please! [YN] thats all i want i cant sleep at night not knowing or seeing her...

you:(sighs) ok mike tomorrow at (tells him address)

mike:thank you!

you:no problem..

mike:alright see you tomorrow..




when i had got off the phone it seemed like the day had flew by it was alreaady gettin late..i walked back in the living room and told dig to come in the room he looked confused but he followed me when we got to the room i closed the door....



you:you know mike?

diggy:i know lots of mikes.

you:(play hits him) my mike.

diggy:oh that bi-

you:yes dig! him.

diggy:what about him?

you:i just got off the phone with him..

diggy:wait..what!? why?

you:because he called me be-

diggy:ok and?

you:dig let me finish.

diggy:im listening...

you:well he apoligized...and h-

diggy:so! you cant just go around forgiving people just because they say "sorry"

you:(sigh) dig i really dont want to start a arguement im trying to be a good girlfriend and tell you whats going on but your taking it for granted.....

diggy:what!? [YN] im just trying to look out for you! did you forget what the bastard did to you!...do you remember him beating you and you running to my house... me having to hold you tight because you thought he was going to find you...do you remember him calling you names...him cheating on you many times... him not even remembering your birthday..him not really caring about you (yells) him almost killing aubrey!....did you forget that!

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