when things go right....

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[Hey guys sooo sorry that i havent wrote... had some trouble on my other story that i had to fix..but we good now so lets get on with the story yea?, alright....lets gooooo...]



we got to the hospital and seen my mom sitting on the chair shaking i ran up to her with diggy following....



me:mom what happened?

mom:i-i-i dont know i fed her then she layed down and few minutes later she was coughin and had a rash and just looked sick so i rushed her here.

me:oh my god... my baby! (cries)

diggy:(holds me) its going to be alright sweetheart..

me:but-but-but what if something bad happens?.... like what if she do-

diggy:please dont say that!


diggy:just dont! please!... lets stay positive...



soon after a doctor came out...



Dr:parents for Aubriel simmons?

me and diggy:thats us!

Dr:oh well it seems that your daughter is allergic to mango.


Dr:yea we ran some test on her and it seems that your daughter is allergic to mango.

mom:oh my god this is my fault (cries)

me:no mom its not. (hugs her)

mom:yes it is! i was eating mango and she asked and i gave it to her. (cries)

diggy:so shes fine?

Dr:yea so fine that we can check her out now... shes sleep so-

diggy:its ok i can carry her..

Dr:alright let me go get them papers for you.

diggy:thank you.

Dr:no problem.



me:mom its really not your fault and plus shes fine. ok lets just go home and get some rest....

mom:(sniffs) alright... so yall taken her?

me:yea.. but we will be over there most likely tomorrow if not ill call you.

mom:alright, love you sweetie.

me:love you to mom, no go home and get some rest...

mom:alright future son in law...

diggy:(chuckles) alright ma.



my mom had left and it was just me and diggy waiting on the check out papers, they was taking a long time i was sleepy and ready to go home with my new boyfriend.....i smiled at the sound of that.....



diggy:you told yo mom about us already?

me:(giggles) no she has always called you that..


me:yea to me!

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