Wrong Side Of Love... (Part 1)

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[Hey loves... Lets get on with the story....]

Aubrey:mommy had a baby?

You:No baby...

Diggy:I had a baby.

Aubrey:Boys cant have babies.

Diggy:*chuckles* I know his mommy had him.




Me and diggy walked in the kitchen...



You:You know she still lost right?

Diggy:*chuckles* I know. ill explain to her when she get older.



Diggy phone rung....he gave me jr then walked out and I walked to the fridge and got applesauce diggy walked back in...



you:who was that?

Diggy:p water....

You:*laughs* ohh what he want?

Diggy:i have to go to chicago tonight for this concert tomorrow... Ill be back later tomorrow night tho...watch jr?

You:What kind of question is that!? Of course... Go ahead show out for your fans.

Diggy:You mean jetsetters.


Diggy:*kisses me* I will.... Let me go pack to get that out the way. So we can go do something.

You:You got enough clothes here?




Me and Jr sat on the bed and I fed him applesauce then my phone rung...



You:Hey mike.

Mike:Hey. Umm is aubrey ready?

You:naw let me get her ready right now.

Mike:alright... Im on my way.




I hung up then diggy walked in... I handed him Jr.



You:watch him real quick.



I put aubrey in the bath,dressed her and did her hair... When I was done mike was walking up but I stopped him in his tracks and aubrey smiled and gave him a hug... He picked her up...





Mike:where your punk ass boyfriend I need that round 2 he caught me offgaurd!

You:mike dont start. Just take aubrey go and dont bring my baby back all late.

Mike:*sighs* whatever and alright..

You:Bye baby. *kisses her* be good love you!

Aubrey:Love you too. Tell daddy bye love him too.

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