Starting Point...

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4 weeks later...

You:Aubrey hurry up sweetie we don't want to keep him waiting!
Aubrey:yes mommy
She ran down the stairs in her pink and white dress looking to pretty! I had to take a moment and really admire my beautiful baby.
Aubrey:ready mommy!
You:alright let's go!
We walked to the car and Aubrey tried to open it but it was still locked..
You:Aubrey wait till he opens it...
Before I could finish telling her he got out and she ran and hugged him...
Phillip:hey sweetheart! You ready?
Phillip:you ready?
We got in the car and headed to family day at our job picnic...
Phillip:so how are you dealing with things?
You:I'm ok just trying to stay sane!
Phillip:-chuckles- well you look beautiful as ever.
You:-smiles- thank you.
When we got there the first people to come up to us was of course the Jacob's.
Mrs.Jacob's:hey you guys made it!
You:-smiles- yes.
Mrs.Jacob's:looking flawless as ever.
You:aww thanks. Your looking gorgeous as ever.
Mrs.Jacob's:thanks sweetie I try. Oh and I see you have my favorite little person! Come give me a hug!
Aubrey walked over and gave her a hug after talking with them for a while I went to the other side of the I was enjoying Aubrey playing on the swings someone tapped me and I turned to see Phillip he came and sat next to me...
Phillip:are you ok?
You:-laughs- yes Phillip. You keep asking me I am fine.
Phillip:just making sure because you know..
You:I can't forget.
Phillip:so what's the plan?
You:I have no clue.
Phillip:well have you talked to him since he left?
Phillip:well are you?
You:well I have to.
Phillip:how have Aubrey been about the whole situation lately?
You:well she's just happy to see him every weekend.
Phillip:well that's what your suppose to expect from a daddy's girl.
You:and what do you know about a daddy's girl?
Phillip:I dated one.
You:and why haven't I heard about this?
Phillip:-laughs- damn you expect me to tell you all the girls I been with?
You:well we are kind of close.
Phillip:"kind of" that's what your labeling us now?
You:-laughs- not like that!
Phillip:mmhm. Well ima see if Aubrey wants to get something to eat.
I watched how Phillip was with Aubrey and knew that he would be a great father... I got up and went to where jhene was...
Jhene:hey girl!
You:hey what you up to?
Jhene:nothing just thinking..
You:about what?
You:what about life?
Jhene:my life. When i was a little kid I always wanted to be a wife, with a big house, kids and a descent job.
You:aww jhene
Jhene:well I got 2 out 4 I got my big house and descent job.
You:I'm sure some handsome guy is going to come along and give you beautiful babies. You just gotta be patient...
Jhene:-smiles- thanks.
You:no problem.
I hugged her and walked back over to Phillip...I started to feel sick again and he could tell so before I got to argue my case he got Aubrey and we left...
You:Phillip we didn't have to leave.
Phillip:yes we did. You can't just push back the fact that you don't feel good.
You:-sighs- I know.
Aubrey:mommy am I going to daddy house?
You: oh shoot! I forgot today was Friday. Yea lets go get your stuff from the house.
We drove back to my house and I went in to grab Aubrey already packed backpack. After getting back in the car we drove to Daniels mom and dad house...I knocked on the door and he finally came to the door...
Diggy:hey sweetheart!
Aubrey:daddy I went to the park
Diggy:you did? That's Go in the play room Miley and jr are waiting for you.
After Aubrey ran away me and dig just stood there in silence...I soon broke it though.
You:well I'll come get her Sunday.
Diggy:oh yea I wanted to ask you about that. I wanted to keep Aubrey until Tuesday.
You:just make sure she gets to school on time.
Diggy:she will.
I walked away and got back in the car ready to just go home and lay down...
Phillip:come over to my house?
You:sure as long as I can lay down.
Phillip:-chuckles- don't you always?
We headed to his house and when we got there I went straight to the bed and laid down...a little later Phillip came in with food...
You:oh no. I'm not hungry.
Phillip:just because your not, don't mean the baby not.
You:would you stop.
Phillip:no now up.
I rolled my eyes and he came and sat next to me...
You:I hate you.
Phillip:-chuckle- as long as you feed my baby. You can hate me all you want.

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