Confrontation (part 2)

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I walked closer to the girl and she stood up next to Leah...

You:who are you?

?:Christina you [YN] ?


Christiana: listen bitch! I don't appreciate how you spoke on the phone!

You:like I give a fuck!

Christiana:girl you must not know who I am!

You:I must not give a fuck!

Leah:Christiana chill!

Christiana:chill? I thought we was gonna rush this bitch?

Leah:shut up.

Diggy:wait what?

Leah:nothing. Right Christ?

Christ:Uhhh yea. Never mine

Diggy: naw what was she talking about?

Leah: (sighs) I was planning on jumping her..

Diggy:what the fuck... Leah!

Leah:I know I'm sorry. But I didn't think things would turn out like this.

You:get out. All of you! I am done with this whole situation Leah you do yo thing I have nothing against you just go. Christiana I don't know you and don't care to. But let me let you know something real quick... If you EVER step up to me again I will bust you in your shit! Straight up I don't give a fuck if we in church just a faster way for you to meet your maker. Now go!!



Leah walked out pulling a screaming Christiana and diggy closed the door and walked up to me...



Diggy: (sighs) baby...

You:Dig I don't know what your so called plan was bringing that girl in my house but it was very childish and self considered. Now can you go pick up my children.

Diggy:wait self considered? I did this for us!

You:oh you did? Explain to me how this was for us..please enlighten me.

Diggy:whatever [YN] I'm not about to argue with you over this, look I thought it would be good to solve all of the tension. I was wrong for that but I was only thinking of my family.

You:yea right look just go get the kids can you do that?

Diggy:I swear...



He sighed then walked out of the kitchen...I decided to not wait on him and while he was in the room I grabbed his keys and went to pick up the kids, when they seen me they faces lit up. After saying bye to everyone I drove back home and walked in to see dig sitting on the couch watching Tv he turned and looked at us Aubrey ran and hugged him and I put jr down and he walked to him. I went straight to the kitchen to cook, while I was cutting the potatoes dig walked in and just looked at me...



You:can I help you?

Diggy: I'm just trying to figure out who's this bitter bitchy person is...

You:excuse me! Bitchy? Have you lost your damn mind!

Diggy:naw. Now help me understand please.

You:understand what?

Diggy:why you act like that. What? Is it because of insecurities? Guilty? What?....wait let me guess just that old fashion excuse "your scared" ?

You:dig. Lets not go there please the kids are in their room.

Diggy:naw I want to know.

You:Leave it alone diggy!

Diggy:no enlighten me PLEASE!



I slapped the knife down and dropped the potato and turned to him...



You:Your always trying to push my button! You like seeing me angry huh?

Diggy:yea. I did all of this just to make you mad... Do you know how crazy you sound?

You:dig I'm gonna need for you to leave me the fuck alone!

Diggy:oh shit we have a bad ass over here!

You:exactly what I meant about childish.

Diggy:what? Because I'm tryna figure out why you treat me like shit?

You:diggy your over exaggerating.

Diggy:alright I'm "over exaggerating" what about all that shit you was spitting to me earlier? It's like you wanted to argue with me so here it is the results you wanted right?

You:I don't have time to play your little game.



I tried walking out but he pulled me back and pushed me close to the wall...



You:you are really losing it! Don't you ever put your hands on me! I will check yo ass foreal!

Diggy:oh so now you got balls? Where was all this boldness when mike was beating your ass? Or even when James was slapping you across the room..

You:How DARE you bring up my past!

Diggy:what? Can't handle the facts?

You:yea I can but can you? You Hoe! Yupp that's right 2 different baby mamas lord knows how many more out there..

you couldn't keep your dick in your pants if you tried! You wanted to know why I'm so "bitter and bitchy" I'm tired of your bullshit and problems that's why!

Diggy:what problems?

You:All your baby mama drama! I should not have to feel like I'm fighting for you! You should be there to ensure me that no can take my place! That's your job not mines!

Diggy:You should know that no one can take your place! You should ensure that I'm all yours because lately I haven't been getting that. Now that's your job not mines!

You:ok dig you can get out my face now! I'm done talking to you.

Diggy:you know what your problem is? Your always running away from your problems. It's either that or you always causing them...



He tried walking away but I walked infront of him..



You:what's that suppose to mean?

Diggy:come on [YN] don't play stupid you know exactly what that means.

You:no explain to me.

Diggy: you know I would always wonder why mike or James hit you and would they could see in hitting a beautiful person like you but I realized it was that ugly ass mouth you got!

You:wow so your saying I caused myself to get beat?

Diggy:however you take it.



I couldn't believe what he was saying I just began to slap him everywhere. He tried holding my hands but I still got a few hits in when I heard...



Aubrey:mommy! Daddy! Stop.







{Suprise!!!!!! Hope you love it!!! #muchlove }

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