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You:You are just to happy about this baby!

Phillip:hey this is my first god child.

You:-laughs- I still can't believe I'm having another child.

Phillip:well believe it because according to your doctor you are 4 weeks soon will be 5 in 2 days..

You:I know but it just happened so fast... I was just a little sick and thinking something wrong and BOOM I'm pregnant.

Phillip:So what's the plans?

You:-smiles- to not eat this food.

Phillip:-laughs- jokes! You have to eat!

You:-sighs- Phillip what am I going to do?

Phillip:well first you need to let him know.


Phillip:no buts. Daniel is the father and he has all rights to know about his unborn child.

You:-sighs- your right. I'll tell him and Aubrey at the same time.


You:right now.



I said getting up but he pulled me back down..



Phillip:wait what?

You:your right he deserves to know.

Phillip:I didn't mean right now. Right now you should be getting some rest.

You:-sighs- ok



I ate the food and continued to talk to Phillip with hopes of not throwing up but that went out the door when I ran straight to the bathroom and threw it up...after washing my mouth out I looked at Phillip with a death stare...



You:and you wonder why I don't want to eat! Damn Aubrey wasn't even this bad!

Phillip:-laughs- yo my ba-



Before he could finish I hopped on him trying to slap him but he turned me over holding my hands...



You:get your ass off me!

Phillip:-laughs- well then don't try and attack me.

You:you better get your ass off me right now!

Phillip:-chuckles- or what you'll slap me? With what hands?

You:ha! You got jokes!



He started to tickle me and I laughed but then begin to cry thinking about all the times dig would tickle me... and when he noticed he got up and pulled me close...



Phillip:what's wrong?

You:-cries- I really miss Daniel! Phillip As bad as I want to hate him, i don't. I only miss him more.

Phillip:I know. If you really do then you need to let him know because remember YOU are the one that let him go. YOU are the one that told him he wasn't worth your time YOU was the one that ignored all the begging,messages,calls, and visits at our job and sending me down to tell him making him hate me more.

You:-sighs- I know. And I don't even care about all the stuff he did! I just want him! This sucks!

Phillip:I've been waiting on you to finally admit that.

You:-cries- I've been walking around here like things are good when deep down I'm hurting so bad.

Phillip:about time you let this out! It's better to let it out now.

You:-sighs- I know.



We laid down I finally calmed back down and he just talked to me about the things going on in his life since I didn't want to hear all the bad things I did in mine...



Phillip:so I met this girl..

You:you did!?

Phillip:why you say it like that? Like you can't believe it.

You:no not like that. Finish telling me!

Phillip:well I met her at Bj's last week. she's short,beautiful, a lawyer, single, and has a great attitude. I took her out to eat on a cruise and she is amazing! I'm suppose to be seeing her tomorrow.

You:uh oh haven't heard you talk about ANY girl like this one...am I sensing "The One"

Phillip:won't know until a few more dates and hanging out.

You:-smiles- I'm happy for you Phillip. Really I am with all that you do for me you deserve someone to be there for you even though I am but still. Someone you can call yours. Your rock,other half someone to give your all to. Especially all the stuff you went through finding out the baby wasn't yours, you didn't have to tell me I knew you was hurting. And I'm sorry you had to go through that yo-

Phillip:it's coo.

You:no it's not. You have been there for me through it all and you need someone to be there for you mentally, and physically. And I thank you for everything!

Phillip:don't trip it's all good!

You:I really hope that this girl is the one.

Phillip:-smiles- thanks.



We stayed up talking about life and all the things we want to do in life...I already know what I need to do, it's time I suck up my pride and do what I really need to do, not long after we both drifted off to sleep...





{hope y'all enjoyed it! VOTE COMMENT AND FOLLOW! Remember guys this is only the beginning to the big finale! }

PASSION, PAIN and PLEASUREDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora