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Yesterday went pretty good after lunch we came back home and watched movies and basically just enjoyed each other's company...even though me and diggy have been doing good we can't just act like nothing went down...I don't know I just hope I'm not overreacting I thought as I put on my shoes ready to head out the door dig was still sleep and I knew he needed to rest...I went into the kids room to see them knocked out snoring and all I smiled then kissed them both before walking back to the room and grab my purse...just as I reached inside my purse I heard someone honking knowing it was the driver I grabbed my black Gucci purse to go with my white jimmy choo's I decide to do a nice white shirt with my black knee length hugged skirt...I must admit I looked good! I went inside the limo and he drove off...
Driver:goodmorning ms. [YLN] how are you feeling?
You:oh uh goodmorning I'm fine and you?
Driver:great. Thanks for asking.
You:no problem.
We drove for a while I was starting to fall asleep but then I heard the door slam lifting my head up I turned to see my boss...
You:goodmorning sir.
Was all he said before he looked at me...but when he did he stopped and just stared I started to feel uncomfortable...
Phillip:oh uh...where's my coffee?
You:sir we didn't have time I just got picked up.
Phillip:so you don't have my coffee!
You:no sir.
Phillip:Curtis take us to Starbucks please!
I knew he was angry so I decided to just stay quiet through everything until we got to the office...we went straight to his office he sat his almost empty coffee then walked out with me following... We went to a desk in front of his office that I was guessing was mine...
Phillip:here! This is your desk. I'll call you in a minute but for now answer calls and file these documents in the computer there already in ABC order so just put it in.
You:yes sir
Phillip:let me know if you can't handle it now so I can just put you on pen watch..
You:I got it sir.
You:umm sir what's pen watch?
Phillip:where you sort all of my pencil and pens.
It didn't take long for calls to start coming in...I soon found myself multitasking with taking calls and putting the documents Phillip gave me in the computer...
Phillip:[YN] in my office
I hung up the phone and got up heading into Phillip office..
You:yes sir?
Phillip:we have a meeting to go to.
Phillip:right now.
You:ok but what about the calls?
Phillip:I already called someone to cover. Let's go
We walked to the elevator and got on it was quiet as usual we went to the next floor which was the 5th and walked straight into a room with a table full of people...after seating the meeting began with mr. Jacob's
Mr.jacob's:ok well as you all know there is the big 'Join Together' program all black party At my house tomorrow night please make sure everyone that I want on that list is there! All executives I need you there I have important people from 'hand to hand', 'salvation', 'Jim's and company' and more there and we NEED to sign a deal with most of them if not all you will be assigned tomorrow morning... Now I'm not saying go to the party uptight...enjoy yourself but keep in mind that you have a job that needs to be done. Thanks that's all.
As I stood up with Phillip ready to walk out with everyone else Mr.jacob's called us back...
Mr.jacob's:ok so since your president I'm going to need you to get the main two companies 'hand to hand' and 'Jim's and company' please get it done.
Phillip:I always do.
Mr.jacob's:oh and [YN] be present alongside Phillip.
Phillip:she will be there ready. Make sure you bring your notepad.
Mr.jacob's:no need for that I mean alongside as a guest.
Phillip:you mean as a date? No! Not happening.
Mr.jacob's:you are overreacting Phillip! I don't want you bringing them so called 'friends' you called yourself bringing around last time plus I know [YN] is perfect very well presented its also a good way to really introduce her to this business and I'm sure she will help you get the job done.
Phillip:but I re-
Mr.jacob's:no buts! that's final see you guys tomorrow at 7pm sharp!
Phillip:(Sighs) alright.
We went back down to his office and the whole way there I kept thinking what did Mr.jacob's mean about 'them so called friends' last time I guess their just that close...
Phillip:my limo will pick you up at 7:20pm tomorrow night. so after work you will go home and get prepared I'll let you off early.
You:yes sir. Would you like me to look up the address?
Phillip:Not needed.
After he dismissed me I went back to answering calls and filing again...I must of been so focused I didn't even realize time was flying until I finally looked at the read 8:10 pm I know I couldn't just leave and even though my phone is off I know dig is worried. I began to put in more files when Phillip walked out...
Phillip:lets go.
You:yes sir.
We walked to the limo and drove off..
Driver:where to first sir?
Phillip:take her home.
Driver:yes sir
We drove for a while and it remained quite until I spoke up...
You:sir are you sure you don't want me to look up the address?
Phillip:I'm sure I can remember where my parents stay.
You:wow. Mr.jacob's is your father?
It got quiet again...
You:so...only child?
Phillip:no more questions!
The limo finally stopped and I gathered my things and headed out of the car when I heard...
Phillip:I have 2 sisters.
I smiled and went into the house I knew the kids was going to sleep but I was a little shocked to see diggy still up...
Diggy:sup how did today go?
You:good. I'm about to go get in the shower...
I got into the shower and it felt so good to relax after a while in the shower I got out lotion up and put on my pajama shorts and hopped in the bed with dig...
You:how was your day?
Dig:it was up took aubrey to school, hung out with jr, picked Aubrey up and took the kids to my moms and the park... I bought the kids pizza for dinner.
You:oh ok well looks like you had a busy day.
Diggy:yea and I talked to Aubrey's teacher she says Aubrey is doing good
You:oh ok thanks. Can you take her tomorrow to?
Diggy:of course I'll take her. Oh yea my mom is having a dinner tomorrow and she wants us there.
You:tomorrow what time?
You:oh baby no. I can't make it but you can take the kids.
Diggy:why not?
You:I have work..

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