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I stopped in my tracks and began to breath's been 2 weeks since I last talked to him...we didn't leave on bad terms but we didn't leave on good either...I grabbed the bag of aubriel toys and I walked up to the door and there he stood all 5'9 of him...I stepped in and he looked up from Aubrey and smiled... I dropped the bag and walked up and hugged him I can't even lie it felt so good to be back in his arms... After hugging and dropping a few tears I let go and he kissed me, then I felt something at my leg and I looked down to see jr...I picked him up and gave him a hug he just smiled and laughed...



You:hey guys.

Diggy: (laughs)

Aubrey:daddy I missed you! I'm in school again.

Diggy:I missed you too and really? How is it?

Aubrey:good. My teacher nice.

Diggy:that's good sweetheart.

You:I missed y'all.

Diggy:(laughs) it's only been 2 weeks.

You:hush don't ruin this moment.

Diggy:alright alright.



We all went into the living room and just began to talk...I honestly did miss diggy, that day when all the drama went down we was almost ready to give up but then we really sat and talked and came to the conclusion that us giving up should never be an option... So since he was going out of town to a celebrity game he decided to just extend it and I must admit it was a pretty good idea.



Diggy:so what's been up?

You:nothing much. Back to taking Aubrey to school.

Diggy:my princess back in school.

You:oh yea and I have an official job now.


You: (smiles) yup

Diggy:where? What you do? You like it?

You:(laughs) well dang... It's at a company called "Jacob's and company" and I am an assistant and I start tomorrow.

Diggy:I knew it had to be a reason you was in your (whispers) sexy ass business outfit.

You: (giggles) oh hush.

Aubrey:daddy where you go?

Diggy:I had some stuff to do out of town why? You missed me huh?



Aubrey:(giggles) nope



That was all she said before diggy start tickling her until she admitted she missed him..just watching them laugh and stuff made me smile I just sat there smiling while rubbing jr head...



Aubrey: (laughs) ok I missed you daddy!

Diggy: (tickling) are you sure?




He finally stopped and we all just laughed how Aubrey was laughing she is so silly...

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