Caught In Lies...

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I got to mike house and he opened soon as we walked up, Aubrey ran up and hugged him while I held jr in my arms. We walked in and sat on the couch.



Mike:thanks for bringing her.

You:mike I can't keep you from her.

Aubrey:uncle mike when are you going to take me out again?

Mike:umm I don't know sweetie. When do you want to go with me?

Aubrey:right now.

Mike:aww not today princess. How about tomorrow? If that's ok with your mom..

You:it's fine with me.


Mike:alright. Now go in uncle mike room while I talk to mommy.


You:wait take jr with you.



after giving him his cup and he calmed down. I re entered the living room to see what mike had to talk about.



Mike:how are you?

You:I'm good.

Mike:who's little man is that?

You:diggy's son.

Mike:Oh how are things going?


Mike:ok. You sure?

You:yes mike I'm sure.

Mike: I'm always here if you need anything.

You:mike what's up with all this?

Mike:nothing just checking.

You:it's about diggy huh?

Mike:naw I'm just checking to make sure your good.

You:oh ok.

Mike:what you been up to?

You:nothing much. Just livin

Mike:good. Well I talked to my mom yesterday and she said hey she loves and miss you and for you and Aubrey to come see her.

You:aww I miss and love her to. And of course ill go see her. I heard your getting married.

You:oh yea.

Mike: (sighs) wassup with not telling me?

You:it's none of your business.

Mike:Damn like that!? Look I'm not here to jeopardize anything I just want us to atleast be able to talk about things. I mean no harm I swear.

You:I'm sorry mike. I'm just..I don't know.

Mike:it's all good ma. Congratulations by the way. You deserve all the happiness in the world.

You:thank you so much. That means a lot.

Mike:no problem.

You:well I nee-



My phone began to ring, I got up and walked to the kitchen to answer...



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