The Truth.....

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[hey guys sorry it took so long......i went on a little vacation and ive been busy with my other story but ima start back on this story..... well here we goooooooo.........]



i sat there in shock! what was he about to do!??........... and omg why am i still sitting here!?..... i got up went into my room and picked up the phone and start blowing his phone up but he ignored my calls... i really hope he dont do nothing stupid! i walked in aubrey room to see her sleep......  i walked out and begin calling diggy again.....i sat the phone down and just sat there and cried......i hope diggy is alright...... and then my phone rung i picked it up to see my homegirl taylor...... i picked up on the 3rd ring......





taylor:omg! [YN] j-j-j-j-j



i was trying to hear what she was saying but it was hard because her voice was shakey......



me:taylor calm down whats wrong!?

taylor:[YN] i dont know what happened!

me:taylor just tell me! hurt!...i dont how or what happen but all i know is that hes hurt and is on his way to the hospital!




i hung up the phone and just sat in shock.....what did diggy just do!!? i got up and walked to my room and layed in bed and just cried and eventually i drifted off to sleep......




NEXT MORNING..........

i woke up and had a headache i got up and got in the shower and stuff then went to check on aubriel......she was in her room with the phone to her face....i walked up close and she was talking to someone i grabbed the phone and a spanish women talked i said sorry then hung up....



me:aubrey who was you talking to?

aubriel:i dont know...i was trying to call daddy diggy.

me:aww sweety ill call him later.. ok?


me:well mommies going to go make breakfast.




i walked out and went to make breakfast.....after we ate i decided to take aubrey to the park...shes out of school for a little bit so shes been with me alot.....i got her dressed and then we headed to the park i pushed her on the swings and we ran around and just had fun she kept asking about diggy and i didnt know what to say.... i finally decided it was time to go....we headed back home we got home and walked up to the door and someone was sitting on my porch and not just someone.....diggy....aubriel ran up to him.......

aubriel:daddy diggy!

diggy:hey sweetheart!

aubriel:i missed you, you didnt say bye last night.

diggy:i know im sorry baby girl but i had something to do....

aubriel:(smiles) its ok!




i walked passed him....and went into the house diggy and aubriel followed i through my bag down and sat down... and thats when diggy whispered in aubriel ear and she ran into the room......diggy walked up to the couch and sat next to me....i looked straight ahead until he grabbed my head and gently turned it faceing him....



diggy:look i know your mad and all that but i h-

me:diggy what did you do?

diggy:(sighed) i went to his house and he was there.....


diggy:(sighed) i had to beat his a- i mean but!

me:(sigh) really!!?? dig really??

diggy:look hes the one who messed up! i just had to teach his punk a- self a lesson!


diggy:are you mad because i stood up for you!?

me:(sigh) dig you didnt have to do that!

diggy:you know what whatever!

me:i didnt ask you too!

diggy:i know!.... i did it because i care about you and aubriel!  

me:i know that but you shouldnt have did that! dig (yells) what if he takes you to court!?? what if he files a restraining order or something!?? you cant have this on your record!!

diggy:i dont care!! [YN]

me:you should!

diggy:whatever! i cant help that- (sigh)



me:tell me!




aubriel walked in and ran up to us.....



aubriel:mommy i take nap?

me:yes baby.



she walked off in the room and i walked away into my room and layed down.....i then felt arms wrap around me i turned and diggy just looked at me......



diggy:look im sorry....its just that.....


diggy:look [YN] i love you...

me:i love you too dig.

diggy:no (kisses me) i really love you...















{sorry its short! next chapter will be longer  i hope yall liked it. what will happen next? what will you say? i dont know! stay tuned!! remember VOTE COMMENT AND BECOME A FAN!! oh yea and BET awards tomorrow i hope diggy and MB win!!! ;) } 

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