Wish you loved me...

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[Yeaa im here writing again lol idk I have just been in the writing mood lately.. This chapter was inspired by Tynisha Keli "I Wish you loved me" one of my other favorite songs]

You:Can you please go?

Diggy:[YN] we cant move fo- well I cant move forward with you hating me.


Diggy:Friends atleast?


Diggy:see now your being unreasonable! I apologized for what I did! I had to step up and be there for the mother of my child! Are you mad that im having a baby with another women?


Diggy:No because if thats why your holding a grudge. Im sorry for hurting you but thats my baby in that womens stomach. And im going to do what I have to do regardless of your attitude.

You:Dig your having a baby thats great for you,congratulations sweetheart. Im not mad over that, im pissed off at the fact that you put me last in your life..and to be real im more mad at myself for just relising that.

Diggy:You was never last.

You:alright whatever Dig.

Diggy:[YN] You was- no you are VERY important to me. That day I left and I said I will always love you,i ment every word! I was so hurt and angry that I thought sleeping with someone else would help the pain I was feeling, but I slipped up and now im stuck.

You:Dig I-i-I just cant forgive you. Dont get me wrong I want to but I just cant.

Diggy:How long is it going to take?

You:i honestly dont know.

Diggy:Well can I see aubrey?

You:Not such a good idea.

Diggy:Why? She hates me huh?

You:I-I dont know..she doesnt really speak about you anymore.


You:*sighs* Well you should go.

Diggy:Just tell me one thing.


Diggy:does she call him dad?

You:does I-

Diggy:Do she!?

You:*sighs* Dont ask questions you dont really want the answers to.

Diggy:*Cries* Fuck. I deserve that one, I wasnt here I let him take her away from me.

You:*sighs* Dig dont be so hard on yourself.

Diggy:No I- *Sighs* Damn. [YN] I was a asshole for leaving you and aubrey I was only thinking about myself and im truely sorry. I fucked up with yall and I will always regret it. Did you change her last name?

You:No but mike has been hinting at it.

Diggy:Oh, im guessing your going to change it.

You:Of course not dig. regardless of how we feel about you, you was here before you raised her as your own and thats all that matters. So nope she will always be a simmons *smiles*

Diggy:Well let me go, but how about coffee tomorrow morning? Please?

You:I do-



Diggy:Well Ill call you, same number right?


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