Turning Point... (Part 3)

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I turned back around with jr on my hip and stood infront of him...
You:what do you mean "THERE'S More" what else could you possibly do to hurt me?
Diggy:I'm not trying to hurt you at all. I'm trying to be honest.
You:Daniel I'm walking out this door to go feed my kids...I will deal with your bullshit later!
I walked away and took the kids to get something to eat then decided to stop by my moms house...
Mom:I'm upstairs!
Me and the kids went upstairs to see my mom laying down watching LMN lord knows she's addicted to this channel.
Mom:I see you brought my babies!
She hopped on the bed and gave her a big hug. I sat jr on the bed and he crawled to her...
You:where's daddy?
Mom:in his office.
You:aubriel go say hi to your grandpa he's down the hall.
Aubriel walked out and my mom looked at me suspicious...
Mom:baby what's wrong?
You:what you mean?
Mom:[YN] I am your mother. I know when something's wrong. What is it?
You:-sighs- mom Daniel slept with his baby mother. And I'm hurt but I'm so exhausted I can't lash out, scream, or cry like how I really feel.
Mom:awww baby come here.
I took off my sandals and got on the bed with my mom while she held me...
Mom:it's going to be ok sweetheart.
You:mom I don't know what to do...I don't know if I should leave him, or stay with him. I don't know what to do..
Mom:when this happen?
You:well we were together. But like after his daughter was born. Mom I've been through a lot with this man and even with all the pain,struggle, and arguing I still love him.
Mom:of course you do sweetie! The love you two have for each other could never go away...not that fast anyway.
You:mommy what should I do?
Mom:oh baby I can't tell you what to do with your life. But I will tell you this...Do what your heart is telling you to do and just let god guide you the rest of the way. And ALWAYS keep forgiveness in your heart on whatever choice you make. Baby you are smart, intelligent,beautiful, and have the most memorable smile in the world! Don't let this bring you down.
You:thank you mommy.
Mom:of course baby and I mean EVERY word.
You:I know...let me go back home.
Mom:alright hunny. Thanks for stopping by and bringing my babies.
She said rubbing a now sleeping jr..I swear if this baby don't do nothing else he can sleep his butt off!
You:-yells- Aubrey lets go baby.
I walked inside my dad office to see him reading her a book.
Dad:oh hey sweetheart.
You:hey daddy.
I walked up and gave him a kiss..
Dad:how are things going?
You:good. What about you daddy?
Dad:well working.
You:that's good. Well let's go Aubrey.
Dad:y'all leaving already?
You:yea I'm exhausted.
Dad:well ok tell Daniel I said hi.
You:will do. Bye daddy.
I went back and picked jr up from my mom...after getting home jr was still sleep so I laid him in his bed and Aubrey sat on her bed watching cartoons. I walked into the room and diggy came out of the bathroom...
Diggy:so what took you so long?
You:I stopped by my moms so she could see Aubrey and jr.
Diggy:oh ok.
Diggy:how is moms?
You:Daniel cut the bullshit ass small talk! What else did you do?
Diggy:-sighs- there's another reason why Leah don't like you.
You:other than me being with you? Wow Daniel...I really don't care how she feels about me.
Diggy:I was engaged to her.
I stopped and looked at him in disbelief..
You:you was what?
Diggy:engaged to her.
You:so...wait you mean to tell me you were like about to marry her?
Diggy:yes. Before we got back together. But I called it off.
You:oh my god I'm a home wrecker!
I flopped on the bed and laid down trying to put all the pieces together...
You:so I'm like a second choice!
Diggy:no! Not at all look I got with her and when I found out she was pregnant I thought it was the best thing to do.
You:Daniel honestly what is your purpose of telling this to me? To get back at me?
Diggy:No I swear I would never try to purposely hurt the only women that I could ever love. Baby all I want is for you to except me as I am. Flaws and all. Can you do that?
The tears that I thought couldn't come out finally fell...This was by far one of the hardest questions of my life...
You:Daniel I don't know. Today has just been to much...
I got up slipped back on my sandals, grabbed my purse, and keys...I ran out the house with diggy yelling for me to come back...I drove off trying to gather my head together. I cried and went to the only person that I felt I could trust... I knocked and he opened the door...when he seen me crying he pulled me in for a hug...
You:Phillip can I ask you a question?
Phillip:sure anything.
You:-cries- what would you say if I said I like being around you?...

{thanks for reading!! VOTE COMMENT AND FOLLOW! #muchlove }

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