Wrong Side Of Love (Part 2)

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[Drama...Drama...Drama is all in this chapter well be prepared things might go in the right direction then again it might not.....i dont know.. Read and see... ;) ]


I Slowly opened my eyes to a all white room.. I popped up and felt a pain in my neck... Then someone spoke...

?:Gentle sweetheart.

You:Where am i?

?:James collins hospital.

You:what... How is tha- The accident! Now I remember!! Oh my god where's diggy? Where's Jr. omg Jr! Where's the baby!!!??

nurse:Calm down sweetheart everybody is fine your husband was released a hour ago. And your son is in pediatric room. He's fine just a broken arm. Shockingly He was fine... And your husband was completely fine just a sprained rist and you have a sprained neck and broken leg no serious injuries.

You:*Breaths heavy* thank god. So where's diggy?

Nurse:your husband? He left.


Nurse:Yea he left.

You:so how long do I stay in here?

Nurse:you and your baby will be released in a few minutes we was waitng on you to wake up. Are you ready To leave?

You:Yes M'am.

Nurse:ok.. you can change.

You:with what clothes?

Nurse:oh your husband left you some Right there.

You:Ok thank you.



The nurse walked out and I grabed the bag with under clothes and a sun dress and slowly put it on. Then a nurse walked in with Jr I sat up he was sleep...



Nurse:*smiles* Here go your baby boy.

You:Aww thank you.



She handed me Jr then walked out I called my mom and asked her to come pick me up...she had so many questions but she would have to wait for answers. She decided to come anyway.. So about a hour later me and Jr was still waiting and ready to go... Then my mom rushed in and kissed me thanking god...



Mom:baby are you ok?

You:yes mom.

Mom:Thank god!!

You:where's dad?

Mom:Oh he's at work I called and told him, he was so worried and was ready to leave work but I told him you was ok and I got it.


Mom:and who is this little guy?

You:This is Daniel Jr. diggy's son.

Mom:Oh my god. Awww he's so cute, such a blessing.

You:I know.

Mom:so what happen?

You:we was in a car accident.

Mom:How did this happen?

You:well... Umm diggy wasnt paying attention.

Mom:Wait till I talk to him.

You:mom its ok.

Mom:Ima woop his butt.

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