Letting Everything Out...

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I woke up motivated to finally follow my heart and left Phillip still sleeping taking the red Lamborghini that I usually keep here...I went and showered and stuff at home then went straight to Daniels mom house..I didn't know what I would do or say...I know it's like I'm playing with his heart but god knows I'm not trying to. It officially took these 4 weeks for me to realize that I love him and can't live without him!...I knocked on the door already crying and soon as he came and opened the door he looked at me with concern...



Diggy:[YN] ? What are you doing here? What's wrong?

You:-cries- I'm sorry is it a bad time?

Diggy:umm I do-



Before he could finish Leah came to the door...



You:uhh what is she doing here?

Diggy:oh uh s-

Leah:what do you mean what am I doing here? I can't come see my own baby daddy/ fiancé?

You:I'm sorry your what!!?


Before he could say anything I began to walk away...but he stopped me...



Diggy:[YN] wait!

You:was this all just a way for you to get married to her! I'm not understanding!

Diggy:no I w-

You:-yells- it's only been 4 WEEKS! Who in the hell gets over someone that fast and get engaged to another that fast!

Diggy:[YN] I'm n-

You:You are something else! And to think I came over here to apologize for how I treated you and express myself to you! You go do some shit like this!? You ar-

Diggy:-yells- would you shut up and


You:to w-

Diggy:please! Just listen... Are you willing to listen?




He wiped my face and looked at me in my face...



Diggy:man stop crying. You know I hate when you cry


Diggy:I'm not engaged to her! I swear to god I'm not!

You:then why would she say that bullshit!?

Diggy:come on you out of all people should know Leah bipolar ass.

You:-sighs- yea.

Diggy:look let me walk her and my daughter to the car then we can talk ok?




He walked me in the house and told me to go to his room, Leah walked pass me and smirked I rolled my eyes at her and waited in diggy room , I heard him yelling at her outside so I looked out the room just in time to see her slam her car door and drive off...soon dig came in...



You:-sniffle- where's Aubrey?

Diggy:she's out with my mom and them.

You:oh ok.

Diggy:[YN] le-

You:let me go first?


You:-sighs- Daniel we have been through a lot! And we both have had our downs...I've did my stupid stuff just like you did yours the only REAL difference is I faulted you for yours more. I've treated you the worst Daniel! I put you through it! For god sakes I told you that you wasn't worth my time,I pushed you away,you tried everything to get me back and all I did was ignore you. -cries- I am a horrible person! Your right I'm not the victim. I always act like I am but I'm not. I love you Daniel and it shouldn't have took almost 5 weeks for me to realize that I need you! I know this May seem unexpected and it came out of know where but to be honest I've been acting like everything was ok and it isn't. I've been holding my feelings in for to long I'm emotionally and physically tired. I don't expect you to forgive me now but I hope you can one day.


You:I know.

Diggy:well let me start off by saying that I love you [YN] so much! And I know we been through a lot and I can honestly say that I forgive you for it. You don't understand how hard it has been away from you for 4 weeks! Every weekend you drop Aubrey off I look forward to seeing you hoping that you just tell me you love me and want me! My bad if it sound corny but I'm just being real! I prayed for you to forgive me. And it's ok just look at it as a another break from each other it only makes us stronger...



I kissed him and hugged him...



You:you don't understand how happy I am that you forgive me. Just come home please?

Diggy:how about a new home?

You:wait what?

Diggy:let's move.

You:-smiles- ok lets do it!


You:yes anything you want, plus we n-



Before I got to finish Aubrey busted in saying daddy but soon changed to mommy when she seen me...I smiled at her and she hugged us both...



Diggy:hey sweetheart me and mommy are talking so go I-

You:no she needs to hear this next part.



They both looked at me confused but I sighed and began...



You:I'm h-







{hope y'all liked it! VOTE COMMENT AND FOLLOW! #muchlove }

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