Boy Let Me Love You...

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I took another deep breath just trying to figure out how to word everything...



Diggy:what's wrong? Did something happen?

You:well guys I have been sick lately so I went to the doctor an-

Diggy:aww I knew something was wrong.

You:-laughs- Daniel nothing is wrong. It turns out I'm pregnant...



Before his head fully went down it shot back up fast...



Diggy:your what!?




He jumped up and hugged me tight...



Diggy:oh my god! Yo are you serious?

You:yup. 4 weeks

Aubrey:mommy I have a little sister?

You:or another brother.




Diggy couldn't stop hugging me and just kept Talking...



Diggy:yo now we gotta get a bigger place,we need to start planning our next move,we gotta get a lot stuff,we still need to get all the baby stuff, and what about names have you decided? When is your next appointment? I have to be there Wh-

You:-laughs- Daniel calm down. Baby I'm only 4 weeks. I haven't thought about any of the stuff your talking about and my next appointment is Monday.



He pulled me close and kissed me on my head...



Diggy:yo you don't even understand when we was little I use to dream of you having my baby. Like not on no weird type stuff but like man!



He put his hands on his head and took a deep breath.



Diggy:have you told anyone?

You:no one but Phillip.

Diggy:wait why did you tell him?

You:well I kind of didn't. He was there.



I knew he didn't like what I just said because he let me go and sat down.



You:aww come on Daniel don't let that mess up your happy mood. I love when your happy!

Diggy:so he was at the doctor when you found out?


Diggy:your really close to this nigga huh?

You:I mean yea bu-

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