Chapter 44

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Tobias POV

    I drink some more from my flask, maybe she'll be there... waiting for me. Yeah she'll be mad that I came earlier than I should have, but in the end all of it would be okay because we would be together again. We could love each other and spend the rest of our days together in the afterlife. I'm happy with that. I look behind me, someone must have alerted the police because they set up a perimeter around me. All of them begging for me to come back in, but do they even know the stuff I go through? Do they know how it feels to lose your soulmate? I never wanted to get this low... but I want her so bad. I'm desperate.

Tris POV

    I'm waiting with Elena, we dressed up really nice because she's so excited for this dinner! Her last boyfriend was just a tool, she could have done so much better. I know Amar would keep best interests at heart for Elena, so I trust he got her someone good. Dinner isn't for another hour but the three of us were going to go walk around and plan our futures here. All of a sudden Bruno is running towards us, his facial expression sends chills down my back. Something isn't right.

    Bruno gets to us, "Tris........ you need to go back now..." He grabs my arm and starts running with me, I grab Elena's arm and drag her with me so we don't get lost. "Bruno what's going on? Where's Amar?" He keeps running, not saying one word. We get outside and there's a van. I look at Bruno very confusingly. "What's going on? What's with the van?" Bruno shakes his head, "Something happened in Chicago and you need to go back now." Elena chimes in, "But the dinner, what about the guy Amar sent?" Bruno rolls his eyes, "If you want to stay you can stay Elena. Amar knows about this so he probably told the guy we weren't coming. Now get in the van if you want to go but if not leave cause we have to go." I feel my heart racing, I get into the van quickly, Bruno and Elena quickly follow. The van speeds off.

    I look around, "Where's Amar?" Bruno slouches in his seat, "He got word of the situation a while ago so he is already back there. You're being brought in as a last resort because Amar couldn't do much." I tense up, "What is happening..." Bruno looks at me, I can tell something is wrong. Elena scoots over to the corner seat, she probably feels uncomfortable being here. He holds my hands, I know this isn't going to end well. "Tris... you remember Four right?" My heart stops, "Tobias......." I look up and see jealousy in Bruno's eyes, "Yeah, well Four is having a mental breakdown right next to the chasm and they are worried he might jump. They have a team with him right now trying to talk him out of any bad thoughts, but they wanted to bring you in because they know you'll be able to talk to him." I yank my hands out of his and look out the window, "DRIVE FASTER!!!!"

    Bruno sits next to me, "Tris.... Just remember how far you have come along... keep what's past in the past." I look at him, "Everyone is going to find out I'm alive..." he nods. I'm coming out of hiding to save the man I love. Oh my God. Tobias. When I watched him on the cameras he didn't look that bad. He looked like he was surviving and actually doing better than usual. I know that's a lie right when I think it. I know Tobias better than anyone. I could see the pain in his eyes, I could tell he wasn't sleeping as much anymore. I just never knew it gotten this bad... I can't lose him. I just can't.

    "Why are they letting me do this? Obviously the Bureau isn't just going to let me go after a year and a half when I was denied all those times." I look at Bruno. He sighs, "Amar told them that they had to do it, that he would suffer the consequences afterwards but that you needed to be released. After they head about what was happening... they agreed." I can hear a sense of defeat in his voice. I don't care though. I'm going home, I have to save Tobias.

A/N; 3 MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!! Gosh I'm so sad, I seriously LOVED writing this story, it was easiest for me! What do you think will happen? Will Tris be able to save Tobias? Comment Below!

And can we talk about these new Allegiant posters! They are breaking my heart!!! I'm not ready for this!!


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