Chapter 45

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Tobias POV

More and more people arrive. I hate the spotlight, I just wanted to come here to think. To decide on what I was going to do. Once they noticed me they sent everyone here to stop me. Caleb came to talk to me, Christina came to talk to me, Zeke, Cara, etc. They even got Amar to try to talk to me. I don't listen to them, I tried to hear them out but then I stopped caring. All I can think about is being with Tris.

Would she be proud of me? Or would she be ashamed?

Tris POV

"Tris remember us, remember the Bureau.... You can't just ditch it all because of this. You were doing so well, with everyone and yourself. You've gotten better..." Bruno pleads

I try to drown out his voice, once the van stops I'm going to jump into the compound and run as fast as I can to the chasm. I'm thinking of the quickest way to get there when Bruno makes me look at him.

"Are you even listening to me Tris?"

I shake my head, "Tobias is about to jump and you want me to listen to you?"

I can see hurt in Bruno's eyes, "Tris..." he whispers. "What about us... I know we aren't official, but I do like you. I don't want you leaving the Bureau, going back to him and all the pain. You deserve better."

"Bruno stop, I'm not going to talk about this right now. I need to be there for Tobias."

He looks down, "You know, if this didn't happen..... we would be together. We would be going on our dinner date and then I would officially ask you to be my girlfriend and we would be happy."

"Leave her alone Bruno." Elena chimes in "You don't know what she's going through. She loves that man. You know that, we all know that. This is already too much, don't add on unneeded stress."

I nod at her, thanking her for defending me. The driver gives us the signal to get out the car so we open the door and jump out. I start running as fast as I can, once I see the hole I look back at them. "Just jump, there's a net at the bottom so you'll feel safe. I'm going to go fast so try to keep up. Every second counts. Any questions?" I hear Bruno cough so we both look at him, "Don't forget us Tris." We look at each other for a second and then I start running and jump down.

We all get down and I start running as fast as I possibly can, I know I'm going to be there within 2 minutes. My heart just keeps beating faster and faster. One second feels like eternity. I need to get to him, I need him to see me. To see that I'm alive and he doesn't have to jump. Please Tobias see me. I get to the crowds, I start shoving, I don't care who I'm pushing out my way, I need to get to him. I get to the front of the crowd and I see him standing right next to the chasm, I yell his name as loud as I can, telling him I'm here.

Tobias POV

Show's over. I can't do it. She died for a reason, now I must live to honor her life. I get up, I look at the chasm one last time... the thought of doing it crosses my mind again. "TOBIAS!!!! TOBIAS I'M RIGHT HERE!!!!" I turn around and I freeze. Tris.

A/N; Is Tobias actually seeing Tris? Or did he actually jump off the chasm? Find out in the next chapter! 2 chapters left! Have a Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you enjoy the chapter!


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