KIllerCanadian X Anti-Social!Reader

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Requested by NinjaTurtleManaic

_____'s P.o.V

     You were at home on your laptop. As you finished typing the last paragraph of the assignment essay for class you got up and stretched. You then walked downstairs and went into the kitchen and started talking to yourself. Yes you know if anyone saw this they'd think your insane but you got into the habit don't make contact with people much.

     You walked to the fridge and opened it pulling out (f/d). You then proceeded to the living room and sat down and started watching Anime cause Otakus for life. As you watched (f/anime) you heard your front door be kicked down. You shrieked slightly as you jumped up and quickly chucked the half drinken soda at who ever was at the door.

     There you saw a now wet male, who wore a red and black checkered flannel hoodie with dark blue jeans and bright red shoes. He had light brown hair that was now wet with slightly glowing red eyes. You gulped and quickly ran to you room and slammed the door shut locking it.

     You pressed your back against the door and looked at your room and went wide eyed seeing that same dude sitting on your bed all dry now with a iron sword.

     "W-Who the hell are you?!?!" You shrieked. He chuckled darkly and stood up with the sword in hand and slowly made his way over to you. He stabbed the sword next to your head as he wrapped his free hand around your waist. You yelped slightly and gulped as you looked up at his glowing red eyes.

     There you noticed the smirk on his lips. "Call me Mitch~" he said. You shakily nodded and tried getting out of his grip. "Ah ah ah~" he said as he pulled out the sword from the now impaled door and put the tip of it at your throat.

     Your breath hitched and you whimpered faintly. "L-let me g-G-go please....."

    "Hmm no~. You seemed pretty content just talking to yourself soooo you seem to have the need for a friend." He said.

     "N-No! I don't need friends....people are cruel and evil and deadly and hurtful- eh you get the point."

     "Hmm~, to bad. I'm taking you home with me~" he whispered close to your ear. You shuddered and went wide eyed. He then picked you up bridal style and jumped out your open window and started running who knows where.

     You saw him run into the forest as he approached a house. He kicked the door down as he walked in then closed and locked it. He walked up a flight of steps and into a room, it had a king sized bed, wardrobe, you know classic room stuff.

     He then tossed you onto the bed which you replied with a small yelp. He then slowly crawled on top of you smirking. You blushed slightly.

     He then said seductively "I'm going to make you mine whether you like it or not~"


Hey guys! Yea I kinda lied but I have been having writers block and shiz. Ahem anyway yea I'll try and I mean try to update more. So yea........

Im Color and I'm In School Right Now

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