Chapter 32

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*Dean's POV*

I open the cab door and look up at my house. "Thanks." I pay the guy and grab my bag out. I see that John's  car isn't in the driveway which means his out drinking thank god. I open the door, unlocked as always.

"Sam what did I tell you about leaving the door unlocked?!" I yell as I close the door behind me and lock it. "DEAN!" I hear him scream from upstairs soon after fast footsteps could be heard coming across the hall. "YOU'RE HOME! He jumps into my arm and hugs me. "Hey kiddo." I squeeze him tightly. "Dad said you were never coming back." He wiped away his tear removing the make up from his eye. I get on my knees and turn his face. "Sammy who did this?" He stayed quite. "Was it Dad?" He looked up at me. "Dean it's no big deal I was naughty and Dad said I deserved it." I got off my knees and looked down at my innocent brother. "Sammy. No matter what you did wrong you didn't deserve to be beaten by our father." I place my hand on his shoulder and he starts to sob. I bring him in closer and hug him. "I want you to pack your bags." I say trying not to cry myself.

All we have known our entire life is our father and his ways and now for once I'm taking a stand and getting us the hell out of here just like mum would have wanted. I suppose I am only doing it now because he hit Sam where as I could take the beatings, I took them so Sam wouldn't. Part of me knew one day dad would beat Sam I just chose not to believe it.

"Dean where are we going?" Sam walks downstairs interrupting my thoughts. "Some where safe." We head towards the door when it flung open with a drunk John standing in the way. "Sammy go into your room and lock the door." I whisper to Sam who backs up a little. "What the fuck are you doing back here you worthless piece of shit?" My father yelled at me. I could smell the alcohol on his clothes and in his breath. "I'm taking Sam. We're leaving. Just like mum." He drops the bottle he was holding in his hand and it smashes on the ground. "What did you say?" "You heard me. Mum is happier without you." He moved closer and placed his hands around my neck pining me to the wall. "Your mother is dead because of you!" I knew she wasn't dead because of me nothing he said would ever make me think that. She died because of our father and he knew it. He had a look in his eye, it wasn't like the other times when he would beat me this time it looked as if he had lost control and could possibly kill me. For the first time I feared for my life. He started to punch my face while the other hand still wrapped around my neck pinning me against the wall. When he punched me again I could see the blood spatter from my mouth on the wall in the corner of my eye. He started to bash my head against the wall. He then threw me to the ground making me land on my face having the glass from the bottle go into my hands. He grabbed me by my shirt and started to punch me repeatedly I turned my head and seen Sam on the stairs. "Sammy-" I spat out blood as John kicked me in the stomach making me fall to the ground hitting my head once again. I started closing my eyes and then I saw Sam looking scared, Crying and screaming. I spat out some blood to allow me to swallow. "GET UP YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF SHIT!" He screamed at me. "Fight back!" I moved my hands and placed them to the ground and applied pressure, I could feel my hands throb in pain from the glass but my whole body did so either way I moved I was in pain. I started lifting myself up when he placed his foot on my back pushing me back into the ground. He turned me over so I was laying on my back and started to hit me again. "Dad-" I chocked at the blood in my mouth. "Please stop." I begged him as the blood ran out of my mouth. "GET OFF OF HIM!" Sam screamed.

Well my 2 updates for today are done. I will update tomorrow. Let me know what you thought of this update. :) x

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