Chapter 37

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*Dean's POV*
"Who are you?.." I question as they stand there in the door. My words seem to have broken him.

*Castiel's POV*
"Who are you?.." I swallow hard and could feel my heart break. "Um I'm- I'm-" I could feel myself going to vomite or faint. I ran out of the room and when I got outside I gripped my knees as I leaned over breathing in and out trying to calm myself. He doesn't remember me.. I start crying and shouting. Gabe runs out and looks to see me. "CAS!" He screams as he runs towards me I fall to the ground crying. He wrapped his arms around me. "He doesn't remember me!" I screamed crying into my brothers shoulder. "He doesn't remember me." I say again but softer.

*Dean's POV*
"I think he had the wrong room." I laughed a little not to much as I know how much that would hurt. He looked really upset though, did he know me? Did I know him? "Sam!" I snap out of thought and see my younger brother walk through the room his face lights up as he sees me. "Just the person I was waiting on." I smiled at him.


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