Chapter Seventy Three

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"You fired a gun--how many times?--twice? And both were right between the eyes."

I used the hem of my shirt to wipe the blood covering half of my face away. There was a sour taste in my gut and I felt tired. I barely slept or rested so I was feeling drowsy but the events from earlier had me shaking and feeling alive.

"Coincidence," I replied to Harry simply and rolled onto my side. I was lying in the back of the car, trying to fall asleep because Harry told me to. He had noticed my lack of sleep.

Harry turned his head to face me, where I can see his eyes and above. "Or you were destined to kill."

I gave him a look and he turned back around dramatically slowly all the while keeping his eyes on me. 

"Or," Niall spoke up from the wheel, "maybe it's a mate thing. Like, Harry's desire to kill is rubbing off on you."

"That's sweet, Niall."

"Fine," Ashton spoke up from beside me. The back door was open and he was focused on changing the tire. "I don't need any of your help. I'm fine alone."

"Good." Niall laughed.

Ashton rolled his eyes, gaze landing on me. "You know how to change a tire?" he asked sarcastically, with a hint of sincerity.

"Nope," I said, watching him struggle. He narrowed his eyes at me and dropped a tool.

"Harry?" he called. "A hand, please?"

"Would any loot have survived that explosion? Like ammo or something from the other car?" I asked to make conversation.

"Doubt it," Niall replied.

"Did they have fricken explosions in there?"

"No, the engine must've caught on fire, I guess."


"All right, quit yapping at me," Harry called back and stepped out of the car.

"Why was there only one car? Shouldn't more people have come?" I asked. I found it strange that there were only three or four men after us.

"Harry?" Niall asked after failing of thinking of a conclusion.

"Maybe more are coming," Harry replied from outside, now standing right in front of me because the boot was open, "or that vehicle was just to confirm where the fuck we are, I don't know."

"Then you should haul ass," Niall said.

"We're almost done, shut your trap, Niall," Ashton replied, his voice laced with frustration and tiredness.

"Can I drive?" Niall asked.

"No," Harry said quickly.

"Can I drive?" I asked.

Harry pressed his forearm against the top of the car and leaned onto it. "Doubt you can drive so fast, sweetie." He shot me a smirk.

"I drove a car once with you in it and I ended up saving your life, dickbutt," I replied quietly enough for only him to hear.

"Go to sleep, Evelyn," he said and tried to cover his smile by turning around.

Harry sighed and bent down to help attach the extra tire beneath the car.

Ashton muttered something inaudible under his breath and stood up. His face was pinched in confusion and he stared down at his hands, which were covered in a thick, black substance.

His face softened. "Fuck," he cursed.

"What?" Niall asked from the driver's seat.

Harry pressed his lips together and shifted on his knees to take a look under the car.

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